
‘Star Wars’ fans turn out in Force for premiere

Kelly Andrews, who wears her love of “Star Wars” on her skin in the form of Yoda and R2-D2 tattoos, bought tickets in October for the first showing at Hollywood’s classic TCL Chinese Theatre, where the original “Star Wars” premiered in 1977. Below, find a chronological collection of “Star Wars” stories we’ve run over the past three years, functioning as a sort of “Force Awakens” timeline. While one could argue that it’s near impossible to measure a Star Wars film universally (okay, except maybe Episode 1), there will likely be a lot of talk, speculation, excitement, and repeat viewings before all feelings are settled on this new kickstarter to the franchise.


“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” premieres in theaters on Thursday night and fans have been lining up for days at the Uptown Theater in Northwest, D.C. awaiting opening night.

“I think it is safe to say that Star Wars is forever”, Sansweet said. And Fandango reported Thursday that the film has sold more tickets than any title in the ticket sales site’s 15-year history.

“I saw every movie over and over and over again”, Kwasi added. This time, they arrived early.

Check out all the trailers, featurettes, exclusives and clips for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS by clicking the image below!

“Star Wars” fans flooded cinemas around the world Thursday for the first showings of the breathlessly anticipated seventh installment of the space saga, and they floated out on nostalgia and positive reviews.

Due to the massive crowds expected, major theater chains like Harkins, AMC and Cinemark are reminding movie goers about safety rules in place. We’ll bring you coverage all weekend long! Face paint, masks and helmets are not allowed, along with real or fake weapons – including lightsabers.


Arcand explained that meant it was OK to dress in a Jedi Knight robe but not as a droid with blinking lights.

Wichita fans wake early for Star Wars: the Force Awakens