
Ex-House Speaker Hastert recovering from stroke

Dennis Hastert’s lawyer says in an emailed statement that the former USA house speaker who is awaiting sentencing in a hush-money case had a stroke more than a month ago and has been hospitalized since then.


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‘We are very hopeful that Mr. Hastert will be released from the hospital in the early part of the new year, ‘ Green said.

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“During the first week of November, our client, Dennis Hastert, was admitted to the hospital”, Tom Green, Hastert’s lawyer, said in a statement.

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Green did not return calls or emails seeking further comment. But under the plea agreement, federal prosecutor Steven Block recommended that Hastert, the longest serving GOP speaker in history, be sentenced to zero to six months in federal prison.

In routine questioning from the judge at the October hearing, Hastert said he had taken several prescription medications within the past day, but he did not detail the medical reasons for taking them.

Pollard wrote in the letter that “in light of” Hastert’s “recent hospital stay”, he hoped the sentence would be probation. Attempts to reach Pollard were not successful. The former speaker also has been treated for sepsis, which is a complication of an infection, and underwent…

“I talked to him last week”.


Prosecutors did not spell out the misconduct, but unnamed law enforcement officials have told media that it was sexual and involved someone Hastert knew when he was a high school teacher and coach in his hometown of Yorkville, Illinois, in the 1960s and 1970s. The hearing in Chicago will be Hasterts first court appearance since June, when he pleaded not guilty to violating banking law and lying to FBI investigators. The indictment said the payments stopped after Federal Bureau of Investigation agents first questioned Hastert in December 2014.

Former Speaker Hastert Hospitalized After Stroke