
‘Exceptionally mild’ December weather set to continue

The forecast for 2016 is higher than the predictions for 2015 made a year ago, which suggested temperatures would be 0.52C to 0.76C above the 1961 to 1990 long-term average. Unlike a simple mean average of all global temperatures, the anomaly figures tend to remain consistent over large geographic areas.


The new forecast for the next 12 months which was arrived at with a combination of computer models and statistical methods shows the global average is likely to be 0.84C above the years between 61 and 90.

Bradford had its warmest December night for 107 years, recording a daily minimum temperature of 11.6C (52.88F), the Met Office confirmed.

El Niño temporarily warms waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and impacts weather in a variety of ways, depending on where you are in the world.

Reasons for the rise in temperatures – which is the third year in a row temperatures will potentially be the hottest on record – have been outlined by the Met Office in their forecast.

Meanwhile, Britain could be set for the warmest December in nearly 70 years as temperatures are forecast to rise to 17C, around 10C above the average for this time of year.

A Met Office said: “Temperatures continue to be exceptionally mild today – it is going to be feeling 14C to 15C in most parts of the country”.

“Towards the end of the week and in to the weekend we can expect temperatures to range between the mid and low teens in Bristol”.

The last full moon of the year in December is called the Full Cold Moon or Moon before Yule.


Spokesman Rupert Adams said: “Sadly it looks like you will need to take a plane if you fancy a white Christmas”.

Birmingham is milder than Greece