
Donald Trump: I Don’t Want Jeb’s Endorsement

So in Tuesday night’s Republican Presidential debate in Las Vegas, Cruz embarrassed himself by treating Trump with kid gloves.


The attacks on Paris and San Bernardino, Calif., changed everything, and Granite Staters like what they’re hearing from Christie on national security.

Marco Rubio may be the most gifted natural politician to come out of the GOP since Ronald Reagan.

As he was battling with Florida Sen.

Senator Ted Cruz is rarely flustered. Though he continued his distancing from his 2013 immigration reform legislation, he at least acknowledged that a path to citizenship was a worthy goal. NPR chose to break it down, as a part of our ongoing fact check series. Cruz also took the opportunity in this week’s GOP debate to connect Rubio with the Gang of Eight bill, casting the bill’s provisions on refugees as too weak. Ted, you support legalizing people who are in this country illegally. However, the Cruz campaign has pointed to an article by the Conservative Review’s Daniel Horowitz to back up this claim, according to

HAPI’s top legislative initiative during this time was the passage of the McCain-Kennedy bill, yet Mr. Cruz never issued a statement showing his disagreement or displeasure with HAPI’s lobbying efforts on this issue, nor did he resign from their Board.

“He’s going to have a hard time because he’s not told the truth about his position in the past on legalization”, Rubio (Fla.) told reporters after a town hall here.

While Bush has been willing to bash Trump for months – firing off one of his biggest shots last week when he called his rival “unhinged” for proposing a ban on Muslims entering the country – Bush’s Tuesday debate performance showcased a new turbocharged offensive against the billionaire businessman.

“We’re looking at different stakes in terms of the commander in chief test”, said Bush adviser Michael Steel. He spoke more calmly and slowly than usual, only blowing up once under persistent needling from Mr. Bush. “I want immigration reform to pass, and so I would urge people of good faith on both sides of the aisle, if the objective is to pass common-sense immigration reform, that secures the borders, that improves legal immigration and allows those illegally to come in out of the shadows, we should look for areas of bipartisan agreement and compromise to come together”.

I don’t know if Donald Trump is aware that the killing of civilians during wartime is considered a crime against humanity and a violation of the Hague Conventions, signed by the United States.

He called Trump’s proposal to kill the family members of terrorists “crazy” and dinged him for saying he gets his policy advice from watching “the shows”. Trump believes he has the personality to force his largely undeveloped ideas on the country and that no one – not the courts, Congress or the U.S. Constitution – can stop him. That’s when the new Ted Cruz’s position on immigration was born.

“It is not accurate to describe [this section] as giving the president ‘blanket authority, ‘ as the section spells out specific criteria that people must meet to be designated as refugees under the section”, wrote Marc Rosenblum, deputy director of the immigration-policy program at the Migration Policy Institute, in an email to NPR. Tickets for both events are $2,700, the maximum individual contribution under federal law for a candidate seeking his or her party’s presidential nomination.

The Gang of Eight would have given amnesty to illegal aliens. “We recognized that the talking points that Senator Rubio and others were using to defend this monumental bill were not accurate”.


Trump did not say if the killing would be done on his executive order, or if he envisioned some kind of legal process first. But because it only refers to people already in the USA, as one refugee resettlement expert told (which dug into this section in greater depth), it wouldn’t have created any new mass waves of refugees into the U.S.

What gives? Numerous polls have shown the party losing badly if Donald Trump runs as an independent candidate and have suggested he'd steal far more votes from Republicans than Democrats