
Nostalgic: Coleco Chameleon Brings Cartridged-Based Games

Classic console company Coleco has announced that it is re-entering the video games market, in partnership with a crowd-funded retro gaming project which failed to meet its goal. But there’s more. Apparently, there will also be brand new games with similar graphics available too, so Coleco is smartly cashing in on the resurrected popular retro-style 2D titles.


In a report by Retro Gamer, Coleco plans to try crowdfunding for the retro console again, hoping that moving to Kickstarter over Indiegogo and the rebranded household name will be the necessary shot in the arm to get the machine off the ground.

Mike Kennedy, the founder of Retro VGS and the man behind retro games auction website GameGravel, called the Chameleon “a love-letter to all the classic cartridge based gaming systems that came before it”.

According to the announcement, the Chameleon has the power to run 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit style games, and Coleco aims to offer classic compilations of retro titles along with brand new games in those styles. Seeing the name “Coleco” return alongside plastic game cartridges in 2016 is sure to turn some heads, if not convince some that they’ve gotten stuck in a time loop.

We won’t have to wait long for the Coleco Chameleon. ‘It will take gamers and their families back to a simpler time where games were all about great gameplay and fun factor.


As of now our only glimpse at the new hardware comes in the form of product renders, but Coleco will be showing off the console for the first time at the New York Toy Fair in February.

COLECO And Retro Video Game Systems Introduce'COLECO Chameleon Console