
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Opens Today

Star Wars: The Force Awakens doesn’t open in theaters until 7:30 p.m. Thursday, but hard-core fans were at the theater bright and early for a marathon before the big premiere. Action News was told by some moviegoers that fans that attempted to watch the film at United Artist Broadway Faire 10, in Northwest Fresno, were turned away when technical issues prevented the movie from being shown.


But some analysts believe the opening weekend sales of this Star Wars film to be as much as $240 million dollars.

However, many theaters have rules about arriving in costumes.

“I just hope it’s as epic as they are making it out to be”, Kwasi said.

Megan wore a Pricess Leia-ish gown as she was walked down the IMAX aisle. But a host of other companies are looking to take advantage of the Star Wars blitz, including shoe designers and household brands like Crest.

“The Force Awakens is a genuine cultural phenomenon”, says Fandango president Paul Yanover.

“Star Wars has been one of the most important and best-selling franchises in our stores, not just in the US but around the world”, Barry said.


Donna Lewis waited in line for 4 hours back in 1977 at the same theater as JJ Abrams the director of The Force Awakens, “A lot of people thought we were insane back then because we waited four hours in line at Westwood in LA to see this”. “It’s great to see that all fans can enjoy the Star Wars experience, as our theater partners continue to add new screens and new showtimes every day”. Experts believe it could go on to be the highest grossing film of all time, bumping Avatar to second place. 2009’s Avatar now holds that record with a $2.78 billion tally.

One superfan's tweet showing a ticket to the marathon issued at 4:45 a.m. Thursday