
OH jobless rate rises to 4.5%

The current account deficit, which measures the flow of goods, services and investments into and out of the country, increased 11.7 percent to $124.1 billion, the largest shortfall since the fourth quarter of 2008.


‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Broke Box Office Records Last Night
While spoilers will not be given out, the film was full of surprises while paying homage to both trilogies that came before it. Greenfield said the success of “Force Awakens” would not be enough to offset the impact of subscriber losses at ESPN.

Minnesota’s unemployment rate is at its lowest level in almost 15 years, according to a state jobs report released Thursday.

House Approves .1 Trillion Spending Bill
The deal marks a major achievement for new Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who delivered 150 Republican votes for the spending bill. Under a plan worked out in bipartisan negotiations, the legislation would be combined and voted on in the Senate the same day.

The department said the unemployment rate has not been so low since August of 2001. The U.S. unemployment rate in November was 5 percent.

DNC Sanctions Sanders Campaign For Accessing Clinton’s Voter Data
Bernie Sanders has filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to regain access to a Democratic National Committee voter database. We will continue to work with and report to the DNC regarding this issue to ensure that this isolated incident does not recur.

The 9,147 jobs added in November was the third-highest monthly total in SC over the past 39 years.

Williamson County marked the state’s lowest rate at 3.9 percent, followed by Moore County at 4.1 percent and Davidson at 4.2 percent.

The jobless rate – a ratio – is affected by jobs figures and the size of the labor force, which tallies those working or “actively seeking” work. The number of jobless South Carolinians has dropped by 23,150 during 2015 – more than three times last year’s total. The 5.6 percent jobless rate is down from 6.7 percent from a year ago. Even if Georgia’s unemployment rate has been above the national average since October 2007.

In related data, the EDD reported that there were 355,913 people receiving regular Unemployment Insurance benefits during the November survey week.

“General these figures reveal that our versatile and vibrant labour market stays a supply of power for the United Kingdom financial system”. Butler added in that the state’ job growth rate of two.

He steered the earnings figures didn’t mirror the truth on the bottom and referred to as for a evaluate of how they’re calculated.

“The pay settlements we’ve seen have certainly not been around the 3.6% mark”. It is extra like 1% or 2%.


“While the directors get a whopping wage increase, a lot of the workers get nothing at all”.

Michigan unemployment rate up just a bit in November