
US, Cuba reach deal on restoring commercial flights

And so too is the agreement the two governments reached this week to resume direct commercial airline flights between the two neighboring countries for the first time in decades.


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These five acts will be honored at the Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on April 8 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The rule is that acts or individuals are eligible 25 years after their first released recording.

It said a stronger US civil aviation relationship with Cuba is a “critical component” of Obama’s effort to normalize relations between the two countries, which have already reopened embassies in Havana and Washington.

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This diplomatic balancing act aims to keep both Moscow and Riyadh on board as the group struggles to cobble together peace talks. United Nations } diplomats said a key stumbling block was how to address the issue of the transitional government.

“The agreement will allow 110 regularly scheduled flights per day, including 20 to Havana and 10 to each of Cuba’s nine other global airports”. While travel for tourism alone technically remains off-limits, the move is expected to lead to a major increase in the number of Americans visiting the island.

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Ted Cruz publicized classified information about government phone tracking during the CNN Republican presidential debate. We’ve got to search all sorts of media outlets to see if anybody had reported that number independently”.

Engle tells AP the U.S.-Cuba aviation deal did not anticipate any flights to the United States by Cubana, Cuba’s state-owned national carrier.

“Everybody should be happy because, through baseball, we’re uniting countries, ” Tony Castro, president of the Cuban Baseball Federation, said Thursday.

Senators, congressional representatives, lobbyists, diplomats, current and former U.S. officials, business executives, advocates and activists-gathered Wednesday night for a “one year celebration of U.S.-Cuba ties”.

The latest step to restore U.S.-Cuba ties after 54 years of hostility will not go into effect immediately but should eventually increase tourism and business on the communist-ruled island.

Obama continues to call for an end to the embargo, which he considers a Cold War relic, but no one expects the Republican-controlled Congress to oblige him – particularly not in an election year.

“Cuba must try to make economic reforms so that it can be seen to be returning to the world economy”, said Peter Schechter, a Latin America specialist with the Atlantic Council, a USA analysis group.

Aircraft landing in the United States must meet USA safety standards, so aging Russian planes in the Cuban fleet will likely only fly domestically within Cuba. But he said they had “not made any progress” on issues Cuba considers necessary for normal relations, such as ending the USA trade embargo of Cuba and U.S. withdrawal from the naval base at Cuba’s Guantanamo Bay.

The United States airlines, who are interested, must negotiate with the Cuban authorities to incorporate the routes.

“Not going to Cuba is sort of like a grocery store that doesn’t sell milk”, Scott Laurence, JetBlue’s senior vice president for airline planning, said in an interview.


In addition, under existing travel regulations that limit legal travel to Cuba by American citizens, any commercial air carrier would be charged with determining whether or not the passengers on their flights have US government permission to travel to Cuba.
