
Experts to examine Russian plane black box

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies agreed on Friday to send aircraft and ships to Turkey to strengthen Ankara’s air defenses on its border with Syria, the alliance’s chief said.


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The plane’s orange flight recorder was opened by Russian experts in Moscow today in front of reporters and diplomats.

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However, officials said preliminary inspection of the recorder found that its data board had been damaged.

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On Dec. 4, Turkey reinforced the force protection component of its units in the camp due to increasing threats to their security. Their conversation came after Turkish troops were wounded when a training base in northern Iraq was hit by Daesh on Wednesday.

The black box of the Russian jet blasted out of the sky by Turkey last month is damaged, according to Russia’s Defence Ministry.

Dronov pointed out that the Russian Su-24 frontline bomber was shot down by a Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter using an air-to-air missile on November 24. Moscow described the incident as a “hostile act” and later imposed sanctions against Turkey.

A third Russian military spokesman Sergei Dronov said that Moscow had “sufficient evidence that proves that the Russian aircraft did not violate Turkish airspace”, adding that the downed plane had been flying in Syrian airspace 5.5 kilometers (roughly three miles) from the border with Turkey.

Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered the military to open the black box in the presence of foreign specialists.

Turkey insists that the jet, from the Russian air contingent deployed in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad, ignored warnings to leave its airspace.

Experts from China and India were present when the box was opened. The deciphering of the data will be decoded with special equipment – information gathered from the box, including the jet’s flight path and position, could help resolve the dispute between Russian Federation and Turkey over where the plane was hit.

Sergey Baynetov, the deputy head of flights safety service of Russia’s armed forces, said that investigators will begin the analysis of the black box Saturday and the results will be released on Monday, local news network Tass reported.

The air force commander said 14 countries had been invited to monitor the investigation but only China and Britain had accepted the official offer.


The downing of the fighter jet led to the deaths of two Russian servicemen, one of the pilots and another soldier who attempted to rescue them.

Russian President Vladimir Putin second left and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan second right during a meeting on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Antalya Turkey