
Star Wars fans find the movie they’ve been looking for

While Weis said he read some reviews of the film, other fans told the Tribune they have been avoiding the Internet and social media for days so they wouldn’t accidentally stumble upon movie spoilers.


Truck driver Caroline Ritter, 34 and firefighter Andrew Porters, 29, are among about 100 fans who have been camped outside Hollywood’s Chinese Theatre since December 5 for the opening of The Force Awakens.

But, Allison says she was hooked after getting sick and watching all of the Star Wars franchise movies during Spring Break.

But some theaters did because they were expecting larger than usual crowds for a Thursday night, a long-awaited Thursday night for Star Wars fans.

“I was one of those people like, ‘Star Wars is such a nerdy thing.’ Like, that’s so lame”, said Osbirn.

Nick Shelley and Jaye O’Brien were at the Scotiabank Cineplex in Bayers Lake at 2 p.m., where Star Wars played on six screens.

“I’m one of those theatre goers and there’s that ideal spot three quarters the way up”, Shelley said.

The Force Awakens took $14.1 million on its opening day in a number of European countries on Wednesday, along with an estimated $50 million from United States previews on Thursday. But projections for Star Wars are that it could also smash highest ever weekend opener, Jurrasic World’s $208 million.

In fact, according to a new report, eight in 10 people feel safe at the movies.

Harrison Ford then shared his own thoughts on working with Abrams, saying: “It helps a lot to have someone who gives as much as J.J. gives”.

And that’s just the first new film in the franchise.

He added, “I’m very excited”.

But none of these attempts, even the MCU, can compare with what Disney is now attempting to do with Star Wars. “That’s the most fun thing for us to see”. They say ‘Buddha is what you do to it.’ And that’s Star Wars.


“I’m upset I’m wearing white at her wedding but kind of had to”, bridesmaid Aubrey Sulzbach said.

How Early Should I Get to Star Wars The Force Awakens on Opening Weekend