
Salvation Army needs volunteers for Christmas kettle campaign

The Salvation Army of Lee County is holding a ribbon cutting at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday to officially open the new distribution center at 13530 N. Cleveland Ave, North Fort Myers.


Also last week, a Salvation Army Red Kettle outside the Stop & Shop in Swampscott received two separate jewelry donations. Lower giving has put the Pendleton Salvation Army further behind in reaching its goal of $50,000. “All we can do is thank her from the bottom of out hearts and wish her well for being so kind to help us help others”, Durant said.

“We have a lot of seniors and a lot of our seniors are disabled as well”, said Tilton.

They’ve raised $24,000 more than they had at this time a year ago, which is a 24% increase. In Danville, Illinois, last year, someone left a gold bar valued at more than $1,000 in a kettle.

“Boise is an incredibly generous community and it’s really not terribly surprising to have somebody come in and want to help make up the difference when something bad happens”, he said.

The annual kettle campaign and mail appeal is important for the organization. “When it’s cold people donate more but just not this year it just hasn’t been the same”, said Harris.

The second office helps those who live in the southern portion of the county who do not have to drive to Monroe for services.

The Salvation Army operates the food bank, offers addictions programs and a drop-in centre.

“It’s just fantastic they can do something like this for the kids that are in need”, said Williams. And so when they’re looking at those kinds of issues, they go to the Salvation Army for assistance.


Also, through December 31, customers at all Foodland and Sack N Save stores in Hawaii will be able to make donations at checkout through Foodland’s “Share a Holiday Feast” program to help those less fortunate in Hawaii.

People in Butte deliver donated gifts to Mining City Christmas Tuesday