
Star Wars fans across Lubbock Prepare for Force Awakens premiere

Make no mistake, there’s a lot of stuff you can buy: Star Wars is on everything from underwear to Lego bricks. With the movie officially released worldwide, sated fans can finally stop yammering on about how excited they are about the movie and move on to snap up all the Star Wars-inspired gifts they can get their mitts on for Christmas, licensed or otherwise.


“It nearly has the same feeling like when I was a kid”, Ken Kimura said.

AMC, Regal and Cinemark theaters have banned Star Wars fans from wearing masks, face paint or bringing simulated weapons (including blasters) to any movie showings.

“There was no question in my mind that unfortunately I had to help participate in crashing the internet the night ticket sales went on”, Sheriff Rowe said. First Lady Michele Obama greeted children of Gold Star families, an organization founded in 2005 by individuals who lost family members in the Iraq War. Just about anything in the world has had a Star Wars theme to it and football has been no different, as Gametime decided to make some cool Star Wars concept football uniforms.


The largest domestic December opening weekend ever was The Hobbitt: An Unexpected Journey at $37.13M which should fall easily, Star Wars could top the all-time US opening weekend record set by Jurassic World of $208M. Muto, however, wore a Darth Vader cap and a Stormtrooper T-shirt, had Star Wars-themed tattoos and added he has “two closets that are full of stuff”.

'Star Wars' toys from original movie buried in landfill: Collectable fortune?