
Norway: Child injured in Svalbard avalanche dies in hospital

One person was killed and nine others injured after an avalanche smashed into homes in Norway.


Another eight people including another child were injured on Saturday as the avalanche buried about 10 houses.

Between November and February, the region is in constant winter darkness and does not see the sun.

About 100 rescue workers have been forced to dig through tons of snow with no natural light to aid them in clear up operation.

Be proactive – Use the “Flag as Inappropriate” link at the upper right corner of each comment to let us know of abusive posts. He said two of the children and one adult were in serious condition. It is unclear about the number of people caught in the avalanche but authorities are calling for volunteers with shovels to help in the search to locate victims.

In all 10 houses were hit by the avalanche, and the governor’s spokeswoman, Tone Hertzberg, said dozens of other houses at the foot of Sukkertoppen were evacuated as a precaution. The avalanche hit a day after a huge storm in that the local daily Svalbardposten stated had winds as much as 95 kph (60 mph) & was the worst in 30 years of time of time.

44-year old Anne Kristin Jakobsen was in her dressing gown when the snow swept through her house. Jakobsen was among those hospitalized. Search and rescue crews were working at the scene.

The roof of a school building was ripped off by the wind and landed on a football field, and the airport in Longyearbyen was closed Friday.


Svalbard, which lies more than 500 miles (800km) north of the Norwegian mainland, is known for its stunning views of snow-covered mountains, fjords and glaciers. The archipelago has about 2,600 residents.

Avalanche on Svalbard Arctic archipelago kills one man