
Clinton explains why she won’t say ‘radical Islam’

Top Republicans say the only way to adequately address inversions is to overhaul the tax code, making it more attractive for businesses to locate in the U.S. The Democratic presidential front-runner will propose spending the revenue raised by the new tax to boost manufacturing jobs in the US, campaign aides said. That would enable Pfizer to slash its tax rate from around 25 percent this year to about 18 percent. The proposal follows last month’s announcement by U.S.-based Pfizer Inc. that it would buy Allergan, creating the world’s largest drug manufacturer and moving the company headquarters to Ireland.


Sperling, who pointed to various studies that he said suggest manufacturing “punches above its weight in innovation and high wage jobs”, contended that Clinton’s plan would underscore the importance manufacturing plays in the economy, as well as ensure the country has the necessary tools to help communities rebound after companies leave.

But while Sanders, a self-described “democratic socialist”, has railed for decades against inequities and abuses of the financial sector, Clinton has faced criticism for her close ties to the industry. “I say it all the time, and I go after Islamists, too”.

“The proper role of Wall Street is to help Main Street grow and prosper”, Clinton wrote. “But until she says she’s going to stop the revolving door from Wall Street, until she says people like Blair Effron are not going to be rewarded, a key element is missing”.

“You are going to hear all the familiar complaints: ‘Freedom of speech, ‘ ” Clinton said in an hourlong speech and question-and-answer session at the Saban Forum, an annual gathering at the Brookings Institution that focuses mostly on Israel’s security issues.

The plan also includes the whole financial sector and not just banks, Clinton said, since numerous firms such as AIG and Lehman Brothers that contributed to the financial crisis in 2008 were not traditional banks.

Meanwhile, underneath strain from the banking business, a variety of principally Republican lawmakers have pushed to roll again reforms which have restricted the banks’ riskiest conduct and compelled them to construct giant capital cushions, at a price to profitability. The Obama administration also backs raising the threshold.


Currently, the federal government taxes companies on their worldwide earnings, but does allow them to claim certain foreign tax credits for profits earned overseas, The Wall Street Journal explained. “There’s these really deep problems in our financial system, and the dollar’s relative strength is making it more hard to produce things here in the U.S”. Warren has also indicated that she’s open to backingClinton rival Sen. Since then at least 45 others companies have used the scheme to avoid paying almost $10 billion in USA taxes.

After San Bernardino Hillary Clinton Reaffirms Call for Silicon Valley to Do More Against ISIS				
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