
Clinton: Trump is ISIS’ best recruiter

Hillary Clinton lied when she said that “ISIS is using video of Donald Trump as a recruiting tool”.


This was largely representative of her strategy to “pivot to the general election”, said University of MI director of debate Aaron Kall.

On Friday, Sanders filed a lawsuit to force the Democratic National Committee to restore access to his voter files, which the DNC had blocked after the Sanders campaign improperly accessed files generated by the Clinton campaign.

“What the DNC did, arbitrarily, without discussing it with us, is shut off our access to our information, crippling our campaign”, Sanders said.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Rodham Clinton offer contrasting approaches to national security.

“I would be surprised if they had and we didn’t hear about it in a big way”, Berger tweeted.

“You believe it accidentally came in”, Todd asked. Her above-the-fray posture in the debate signalled Clinton’s confidence, just weeks before the first votes in Iowa, that neither of her Democratic rivals would prove a significant obstacle on her march to the nomination.

“I am the lump of coal in Mrs. Clinton’s stocking”, Fiorina said on “Fox News Sunday”. This is a result, he said, of “flip-flopping” by Sanders and Clinton. “That is a pledge that I’m making”, she said.

“This is a watershed election”.

“We are glad that all parties are moving forward, and that the candidates and the party can refocus on engaging voters on the issues that matter to them: building on the President’s legacy of creating jobs, growing the economy, and a robust discussion on how we can keep Americans safe”, the DNC added in the statement.

“Now, this is getting to be fun”, said Sanders, after Clinton resisted efforts by the moderators to cut her off during a dispute over taxes. Bernie sanders and Chris Christie will be here, too. “We have got to get our foreign policies and priorities right, ” he said.

“What the legislation is is $1.61 a week. I think this was an egregious breach”, Mr. Podesta said.

“We must work more closely with Muslim-American communities”.

It’s worth noting that, in both states, around 20 percent of Sanders supporters say they do not like what Clinton is saying, versus the roughly 10 percent of Clinton supporters who don’t like what’s coming from the Vermont senator.

For Sanders, the rhetoric feeds directly into the Democratic Primary battle he needs to have with Clinton in order to win. “The United States of America can not…be thought of as the policeman of the world”, he said. The second time, a staffer or more-we don’t know yet, we’re doing that investigation- screwed up. We lose 33,000 a year already to gun violence.

Americans are more anxious about terrorism than income inequality.

He continued, “What we need on this issue is not more polls”.

The other candidates hit back – with Sanders interjecting, “Whoa, whoa, whoa”.

“We were unable to find any evidence to support this. It was a sound bite”, Trump told ABC News.


Sanders took a different tone when asked the same question.

Terrorism Trump among topics in New Hampshire debate