
Bill Clinton to hit the campaign trail in January

Officials with the Democratic National Committee have accused the presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders of improperly accessing confidential Hillary Clinton’s proprietary voter files.


In her closing statement some two hours later, Clinton laid out a vision of what she believed the USA would look like under a Republican president.

ABC News Correspondent Jonathan Karl: “As you heard, an explosive allegation from Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump, saying that ISIS is showing videos of Trump to recruit potential new jihadists”. In addition to Fox News and The Washington Post, CNN and Politifact also found there was no evidence ISIS has been using videos of Trump to recruit.

The Sanders campaign has now complied with the DNC’s request to provide the information that we have requested of them.

The campaign has refused to name the staffers because they haven’t been fired as “we are still assessing the situation”, communications director Michael Briggs said.

Host Chuck Todd asked the Democratic presidential contender about the DNC’s move, which came in the wake of revelations that at least one Sanders staffer accessed proprietary voter data held by Hillary Clinton’s campaign after a firewall temporarily went down.

As an experienced front-runner, Clinton is unlikely to be drawn into a fight, said Kathleen Sullivan, a former chairwoman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party and a Clinton supporter.

“This is one of those issues that separates us on this stage”, O’Malley said as moderators attempted to cut him off. “I am the only person on this stage who has actually passed comprehensive gun safety regulations with a ban on combat assault weapons”.

“Let me tell you something about Bernie Sanders”, senior adviser Tad Devine said after the debate. But the campaign also filed a lawsuit against the DNC over a “breach of contract” after the DNC disciplined the campaign by revoking its credentials to access its own voter data. Candidates focused on foreign policy issues, the terror threat, gun control and the economy.

Mrs Clinton, the current frontrunner to replace Barack Obama as president, hit out at Mr Trump during a debate on Saturday night.

Only 8.5 million people watched the previous Democratic debate November 14.

Clinton was careful to say that world powers agreed “to go after a political transition in Syria”, and not to sound overly optimistic that such a thing will be achieved. This is a result, he said, of “flip-flopping” by Sanders and Clinton.

He said a well-coordinated, global effort could be used to battle extremism but emphasized his belief that America keep boots off the ground.

Clinton rejected the criticism and pointed out that Sanders as a US senator from Vermont had voted “for regime change with respect to Libya” in 2011.


Sanders tried to muddy the waters a bit by implying it was possible Clinton’s campaign could have some of his team’s data.

Hillary Clinton