
Gold coin brings nice surprise to Flathead Valley Salvation Army

And two of Detroit’s most beloved churches – Mariner’s Church of Detroit and Our Lady of the Rosary Parish – will simultaneously ring their bells for one minute at 9:50 support of Red Kettle Day.


Svenson says that on Thursday local business leaders and city council members will volunteer their time on the red kettle as part of the Chamber of Commerce’s annual bell ringing competition.

There will still be red kettles out next week and the last day the kettles will be out is Christmas Eve.

Paschal explained bell ringing now is his way of paying it forward.

The Salvation Army in Lexington announced Wednesday that its 2015 kettle campaign is now over $30,000 behind prior-year contributions, and is making an appeal for additional donations to its iconic red kettles.

The Salvation Army collects thousands of coins every year during their holiday fundraising efforts – but one red kettle had an extra special coin this year in the Flathead.

Salvation Army volunteers gathered at 229 West Main Street in Decatur to assemble, fill, and distribute boxes filled with items needed to make a turkey dinner on Christmas.

All money raised in the Red Kettles stays in the communities where it was collected.

“All we can do is thank her from the bottom of our hearts and wish her well for being so kind to help us help others”, Durant said.

The Salvation Army believes all 95 silver dollar coins were donated by the same woman. The Salvation Army of Altus includes Jackson and Greer Counties.

Their goal for this year is to raise $240,000. “We figure we now have about $1,400 to $1,900 worth of value, which we can then sell these coins and turn that into cash to help other people”. “We need to hit $71,000 by Christmas Eve”.


“It is important the community knows our programs are ongoing all year long”, said Major Ben Walters, Jr.

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