
Harrisson Ford wanted the Han Solo character to ‘sacrifice himself’

The film is expected to earn at least £1.3 billion (~$1.9 billion USD), so that means that the actor’s share could be worth £6.5 million (~$9.6 million USD), thereby netting Ford approximately £23 million (which is equivalent to $34 million USD after current pound to dollar conversion). Ford, explaining why he wanted the smuggler to die in the original trilogy, “It was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” On Monday, the Daily Mail released a report that Ford earned $25 million to come back and while insiders stress that number is too high, they do confirm Solo earned a substantially bigger cut than his co-stars. The source also said that while they could have done the film without Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, they couldn’t have done it without Harrison Ford.


Outraged Colombians look for blame in Miss Universe mix-up
While another added: “YOU are such a LOSER!!!congratulations for being in top 80.Miss Philippines is the victor so MoveOn”. Later, the crown was taken off from Miss Columbia and it was put on the head of Miss Philippines.

Actor Harrison Ford, who has reprised his role as Han Solo in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, wanted the character to be killed off in “Return of the Jedi”, the sixth episode of the “Star Wars” saga.

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The Panthers, according to Glazer, use the bat to symbolise “bringing the wood” – one of the team’s motivational sayings. Norman, an aggressive defender who tangled with Beckham throughout the game, was tagged with two personal fouls as well.

Ford’s salary is claimed to be more than 76 times greater than that of Daisy Ridley and John Boyega, who play Rey and Finn in the film, respectively.

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Since its very high-profile entrance into the music-streaming world in June, Apple Music has been a constant source of debate. What’s interesting here is that “other” actually had a bigger market share than Blackberry at 1.2% and Blackberry at 0.7%.

Losing sleep at night because you’re anxious Harrison Ford hasn’t received a big fat paycheck for his work in Star Wars: The Force Awakens?

Carrie Fisher was paid £1 million for returning as General Leia while director JJ Abrams got £3.3 million along with a two per cent share of the film’s gross.

How have the Star Wars films before The Force Awakens fared at the box office?


As for the younger talent receiving lower salaries – it’s a fairly common practice in today’s market for newer actors, especially with so many negotiations involving back-end box office bonuses.

Harrison Ford makes $34.7m from'Star Wars The Force Awakens