
‘Show star Wars’ Spoilers revealings: ‘Episode eight’ Is Coming &

Editor’s note: The following contains spoilers.


Israel says new missile-defense system ready
Hezbollah, which battled Israel during a monthlong war in 2006, is believed to possess tens of thousands of rockets and missiles. Amidror estimated to Army Radio on Tuesday that Hezbollah had lost 10 to 20 percent of its fighters.

Though it filled a decades-long yearning in fans looking for an authentic Star Wars experience, the over-riding feeling coming out of The Force Awakens was one of questioning.

Two Palestinians shot dead during Israeli raid on Qalandiya refugee camp
Israeli soldiers fire tear gas at Palestinian demonstrators during clashes on the outskirts of Ramal … Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld says the police response has been “proportional”.

“The movie is yours now and I really hope you enjoyed it and we are so happy to be starting on episode eight in a few weeks in London and it is going to be fun”. Star Wars, as a franchise, will in effect have landed where we see Spider-Man – every few years a new cast gets together to retell the story of Uncle Ben’s death and how Peter Parker learned the lesson that with great power comes great responsibility.

NFL Pulls Out Of Funding For Concussion Study Over Lead Researcher
NFL PR denied the report, though no one accused the NFL of “pulling funding”, just exerting influence over how that funding was used.

Here are the top 5. Adam Driver plays Kylo Ren in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”.

I only feel sorry for parents that will have to fork out hundreds of rands to buy their children Star Wars toys for Christmas.

As anyone who has seen the powerful final moments of Force Awakens can attest, the tiny rocky island of Skellig Michael – located off the west coats of Ireland, and inhabited only by seabirds – makes a ideal alien landscape: a attractive, otherworldly place, with a sense of being somehow out of time. But it seems they aren’t the only ones who somewhat miraculously will live on to “Star Wars: Episode VIII”.

The first Jedi temple is where Luke ran off to after Kylo Ren and the rest of the Knights of Ren turned him against him, but why there?

Alternatively, Episode VIII could go in a very different direction.

That’s a convenient way of saying there will never be a time it’s answered – not in “Episode VIII” or IX. “Could she be Luke’s daughter?” But “Star Wars: Episode 9” is not expected to come out until 2019. She lets Finn (John Boyega) slip out from her grasp right before he launches his escape plan from the First Order with Poe (Oscar Isaac).


Kennedy did not specify the names of the returning actors in the film, but those who already saw the movie are wondering if Harrison Ford will also reprise his role as Han Solo. It’s also indisputably an extraordinarily derivative one, lightly remixing the themes and plot elements of the original Star Wars movie in a way that is so unsubtle that it nearly qualifies as a remake or reboot, in the same way director J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek: Into Darkness is essentially a retelling of The Wrath of Khan.

Finn from Star Wars The Force Awakens surprises fans and teases us over Episode VIII