
Defense Hawk Lindsey Graham Exits Presidential Race

SC endorsements of Republican presidential candidates are up for grabs with favorite son Lindsey Graham’s exit from the race Monday, but gaining support there could be a tough chore for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. “However the centerpiece of my campaign has been securing our nation”, Graham said in his farewell video.


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Gwendoline Christie’s Captain Phasma is severely underused; she never really gets a moment to call her own and dominate the screen.

The move was expected because his campaign never took off, and he has been stuck in low single digits in national polls.

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According to the report, Thrash will hear the appeal on Wednesday and isn’t expected to take long to reach a decision. He called the entire story that leaked Monday “someone’s attempt at spin control”.

“You just can’t punch through when you have a two-tier system”, Graham told CNN Monday, adding the best way for him to make a difference is to consider supporting another candidate while continuing to share his message.

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The Panthers counter that they regularly bring that bat onto the field during warmups as a tradition not pertaining to Beckham. A Charlotte Observer reporter said Panthers players have been instructed not to publicly discuss Beckham or the situation .

Yet network and party decisions to cleave the swollen Republican field into main stage and “undercard” debates meant that Graham never got to confront either man. An effort to change the format, which O’Donnell participated in, did not elevate the candidate to prime time.

“At that time no-one stepped forward to join me”, he said.

Trump, for his part, routinely mocked Graham for his abysmal poll numbers and once gave out the senator’s cellphone number at a public rally.

As former State Republican Chairman Van Hipp put it, “The scramble here is now on for Sen”. In the first in a series of Republican primary debates he stated that any candidate who did not understand that the United States needed more troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria to defeat the Daesh group was not ready to be commander in chief.

It would be easy to say that because of Graham’s profile it was the wrong year for him to run.

But Moore said that based off conversations with the small campaign staff, Graham himself and some top backers would likely take the holiday break before making any big announcements.

While his race for the White House is over, many expect that he could be in the running to be a defense secretary if the Republicans win the White House. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s (R) campaign said that it would have an update on potential supporters who’d previously backed Graham “soon”.


State-by-state Republican and Democratic presidential nominating contests start in February, leading to national party conventions and the USA presidential election next November. John McCain praised Graham’s campaign and his positions. Even if that means Donald Trump as party standard-bearer?

Lindsey Graham Drops Out of Presidential Race