
British MP says US making it harder for UK Muslims to visit

Mahmood said the family had planned to visit relatives in Southern California and visit Disneyland and Universal Studios.


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Mohammad Tariq Mahmood, was travelling from Gatwick to Los Angeles with his brother and nine of their children aged between eight and 19 when they were approached by officials from US Homeland Security as they queued in the departure lounge.

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We had drawn a couple of games. “Maybe we were just getting a bit complacent so that maybe woke us up a bit”. “We need to work together as a team”.

After being forced to return the duty free they had bought, the family were escorted from the airport, which Mr Mahmood said was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life.

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Claus: Santa cares about the environment and knows that too many amusement parks would take up too much room. Ryan said there was a version of Santa in 1922 that was a little meaner than the Sundblom Santa.

Stella Creasy, a member of the opposition Labour Party, says USA officials gave no explanation for refusing to allow her constituents to board a flight from Gatwick Airport on December 15.

She also said a growing number of British Muslims claim they have received similar treatment.

‘If the embassy won’t answer to the family’s MP, it should answer to their prime minister and he to us about what he is doing to ensure that no British citizen is being discriminated against for their faith on our shores’. I work here, I have a business here.

They will not receive a refund for their £9,000 trip.

“Online and offline discussions reverberate with the growing fear UK Muslims are being “trumped” – that widespread condemnation of [US presidential candidate] Donald Trump’s call for no Muslim to be allowed into America contrasts with what is going on in practice”, Creasy added.

Prime Minister Cameron has previouly called Trump’s remarks “stupid, divisive and wrong”. “In the queue to board the plane, having passed every stage of the airport process, we were still pulled aside by a gentleman from border control, separated from the other passengers in an nearly alienating manner”.

Creasy’s office told The Associated Press Wednesday that she had written to Cameron seeking his intervention. Ajmal Mansoor recounted his experience in a Facebook post, saying, “I am baffled, annoyed and angry”. It does not win the hearts and minds of people, it turns them off. I am amazed how irrational these processes are but does United States of America care about what you and I think?


Although the USA security officials have not released a statement or responded to any requests for comments on the matter, Mahmood believes the reason they were banned from the flight was “obvious”.

British Muslim family barred from flying to Disneyland