
Donald Trump says he hates some journalists, but would ‘never kill’ them

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump defended Vladimir Putin over the weekend, discounting allegations that the Russian president has been linked to the killing of journalists.


SpaceX completes first ever vertical landing
A rocket flying toward the ground is usually a bad sign, but for aerospace company SpaceX , it was a huge success . Here’s an expanding galley of photos and video for the Dec 21, 2015 launch and landing at Cape Canaveral.

Anchor George Stephanopoulos asked Trump if he had a problem with Putin’s reputation for killing journalists and political opponents.

New Poll: Trump’s Lead Over Cruz Shrinks
No one else’s support changed even close to the margin of error, and the same 8% still don’t have a candidate preference. He’s doing better than Ben Carson on this question, who has slipped to negative numbers overall, 36/38.

“I think, and I say this straightforwardly, I think you have a pathological liar there….” I don’t know that he has. “We need a president that actually will stand up for American interests whether it’s in Europe or the Middle East. That’s how you create a better relationship with Putin”, he said.

Historic Landing of Falcon 9 : Amazing Views of SpaceX’s Rocket Landing
Plus, New Shepard only went 62 miles up, while Falcon 9 flew 124 miles above Earth, traveling much faster than the Bezos machine. Commercial spaceflight company SpaceX accomplished launching a rocket with a group of communications satellites into orbit.

Translation: Trump plans to not kill journalists in the same way that Putin does not kill journalists, i.e. he’d make sure his tracks were fairly well-covered. It’s true. But I would never kill them and anybody that does, I think, would be despicable.

(CNN) – Republican front-runner Donald Trump fired back at Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton after she said ISIS was using video of his comments about Muslims and Islam as a recruiting tool.

The mutual respect between the two larger-than-life figures prompted a satirical campaign ad from Ohio Governor John Kasich, who is also in the running for the Republican nomination in the upcoming presidential elections.

Most recently, Putin called Trump “bright and talented” and “the absolute leader of the presidential race”.

When pressed again on the killing of journalists, Trump repeated himself, saying, “Well, our country does plenty of killing also Joe, so you know …”

Although Putin has been accused of a lengthy list of human rights violations, Trump has maintained that Russian Federation could be a powerful partner for the United States – and one that could help the country save some money. “Has anybody proven that he’s killed reporters?”

“That’s not killing by the United States government though”.

Trump then said that some of his GOP rivals have suggested that they would refuse to meet with Putin or work with him. “We’re losing influence around the world and Putin is gaining influence”, Bush said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” program on Sunday.

Accusing Bush and others of wanting to ignite “World War III”, Trump pondered what it would be like if Russian Federation and the US could “knock out an enemy together”. “But you’re making these accusations and I don’t – I don’t see any proof”. I don’t know that he has.

“Donald Trump is like a stray dog anybody can pet and it will follow you home”, says former Romney adviser Stuart Stevens.


“I’m not saying anything”, Trump said after drawing this exact comparison.

Putin: EU Handed Over Part of Its Sovereignty to US