
Against Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump Would Get ‘Schlonged’

Thanks to a question about bullying on Tuesday, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton was able to respond indirectly to Republican rival Donald Trump’s latest crude comments about her. “So nothing really surprises me anymore. I don’t know what his relationship with women has been in his life, but he has discovered that women go to the bathroom”, Sanders said at a Council Bluffs rally last night and the crowd roared with laughter.


NASA delayed next Mars mission due leakage French made instrument
The lander will be the first mission to permanently deploy instruments directly onto Martian ground using a robotic arm. NASA will try to resolve the issue and give its Insight Mars lander another shot to go to the red planet.

Clinton, who rarely speaks except in pre-written talking points, then accused Trump of “bigotry”, “bluster”, and “bullying”.

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Turkey has stepped up its criticism of Russia’s airstrikes in Syria in the wake of deadly strikes in the northwest city of Idlib. In another incident 46 people, mostly children and women, died in the basement of a building in the village of al-Ghanto.

Democratic strategist Steve McMahon tells Bloomberg that misogynistic attacks – such as Trump’s claim that Clinton “got schlonged” and his disgust over her mid-debate bathroom usage – are likely to rally female voters. “I don’t think a lot of people who do it really understand how it makes other people feel”.

Donald Trump defends his use of ‘schlonged’ in Hillary Clinton insult
When it comes to criticizing Donald Trump , Bernie Sanders may be the most eloquent of all the current presidential candidates. Lemon’s focus in this discussion was Trump’s habits of insulting his critics and making unpresidential remarks.

Although she initially refused to comment on Trump’s inane blather, Clinton rightfully unleashed her rage at a campaign event yesterday, noting this was “not the first time he’s demonstrated a penchant for sexism”. “Again, I’m not sure anybody’s surprised that he keeps pushing the envelope”.

Donald Trump is just a big “bully”, said Hillary Clinton, who is using her response to his bombast as an example of how children should respond to being picked on. “When I said Hillary got “schlonged’ that meant beaten badly”.

On Tuesday night, he tweeted that the word he used was “not vulgar”.

Trump has used the term before, as the Washington Post, and in the same way. But she was gonna beat – she was favored to win – and she got schlonged.

This morning’s new CNN/ORC poll – conducted after the most recent the GOP debate – gave frontrunner Donald Trump a commanding lead with 39 percent support, ABC’s CORINNE CATHCART notes.

“We shouldn’t let anybody bully his way into the presidency because that is not who we are as Americans”, Clinton said. “If you go on Arabic television, as we have, and you look at what is being blasted out, video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, no Muslims coming into the United States, other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements”, Clinton said.


In August, Trump triggered widespread outrage when he insinuated that Fox News host Megyn Kelly had subjected him to sharp questioning because she may have been menstruating.

Trump denies using'vulgar language to mock Clinton