
Bowe Bergdahl Arraigned Sans Plea on Desertion, Misbehavior

The next hearing in the court-martial is scheduled for January 12. If found guilty of the charges, Bergdahl could face life in prison.


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The majority of Berghdahl’s public comments consisted of “Sir, yes, sir”, in response to Frederikson’s questions.

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“The accused wishes to defer for reflection”, Bergdahl’s attorney, Lt. Col. Franklin Rosenblatt said, according to Reuters. In one of the few decisions to come out of Tuesday’s hearing, Bergdahl told Frederikson he was pleased with his military and civilian counsel.

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During the arraignment at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Bergdahl deferred entering a plea.

Bergdahl was reassigned to administrative work at a US Army base in Texas, but an investigation had been launched.

Bergdahl, 29, was ordered last week to face a court-martial after being charged earlier this year with desertion and endangering USA troops. If convicted, he could get life in prison.

The charges stem from his disappearance in Afghanistan in 2009, when Bergdahl walked off a base and was then held by the Taliban for five years.

Parents… President Barack Obama with Bowe Bergdahl’s parents, Jani Bergdahl, left, and Bob Bergdahl, at a White House press conference in 2014. Bergdahl reportedly deserted his unit in Afghanistan in 2009, and he was held captive by the Taliban for five years. He returned to the United States two weeks later.

Three weeks after he was captured by the Taliban, the group released a 28-minute video that shows Bergdahl pleading for his release.

Bergdahl hasn’t talked publicly about what happened, but spoke extensively with screenwriter Mark Boal, who shared 25 hours of recorded interviews with Sarah Koenig for her podcast, “Serial”. In the season premiere, Bergdahl said that he had “this fantastic idea that I was going to prove to the world that, you know, I was the real thing”.

The short hearing at Fort Bragg was the first time Sgt. Bergdahl has appeared before a military judge since the Army made a decision to proceed with a military trial.


He said he was spotted by six men armed with AK-47s and travelling on motorcycles.

Bergdahl to be arraigned on charges including desertion