
Opinion poll shows gains for Hillary over Sanders

“So nothing really surprises me anymore”.


Greek parliament unanimously asks recognition of State of Palestine
Abbas stressed that there can be no Palestinian state without Jerusalem as its capital. Abbas then took to the podium to call for universal recognition of Palestine.

When asked about Donald Trump’s tweet telling Hillary Clinton to be careful, Rendell said, “Let me tell you, with everything that Hillary Clinton’s been through in her public career, Hillary’s not afraid”.

Brit couple pay £134000 to clone dead dog at controversial lab
The process involves extracting DNA from a recently dead animal and implanting this into an egg which has had the nucleus removed. A spokesperson for the RSPCA told the Guardian that there were “serious ethical and welfare concerns” associated with cloning.

In recent weeks, however, Clinton has spent far more time attacking Trump and her would-be Republican rivals than Sanders, demonstrating a growing confidence in her primary standing and increased focus on the general election. “Again, I’m not sure anybody’s surprised that he keeps pushing the envelope”, she added.

Chipotle linked to new E.coli outbreak with different strain this time
State officials said the strain of E. coli in the Oklahoma cases appears to be different from the others. Amid the outbreak, Chipotle had shut several of its outlets temporarily till the investigations were on.

By being losing to Obama in the battled for the 2008 Democratic nomination, Trump said Clinton had been “schlonged” – a vulgar neologism derived from a Yiddish term for penis. Clinton was on the east side of the state and Sanders was on the west, but they both had the same goal in mind: persuading undecided Democrats and turning out those who’ve already made their choice.

Has anyone considered the possibility that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have a secret alliance that will guarantee Clinton’s victory? He even dished personal insults against the highly respected Fox News host Megyn Kelly, whom I strongly supported and applauded in a column earlier in the campaign. “And I don’t know how to break this to you: Donald Trump is very upset”.

At first, Clinton’s campaign declined to comment directly on Trump’s “schlonged” comment, although Jennifer Palmieri, the campaign’s communications director, said soon after that “everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicts on all women” should respond to the brash billionaire. And on Sanders, 84 percent of men hold a positive impression vs. just 64 percent of Democratic women.

But those overall results mask a shift back toward Clinton following the Democratic debate on Saturday night.

Trump has issued a series of provocative – some would say outrageous – statements since launching his campaign June 16, beginning with his accusation that Mexico was sending “rapists” and other criminals into the United States.

“I learned a long time ago that if you’re not afraid to be outspoken, the media will write about you or beg you to come on their shows”, he wrote in Crippled America. When I said Hillary got “schl****d’ that meant beaten badly”.


Though the comment wasn’t clearly aimed at Trump, it could take on new meaning given what he said about her.

CNN's Don Lemon cuts off guest for mentioning Bill Clinton's oral sex escapades with Monica Lewinsky while discussing Donald Trump's'schlong comments about Hillary Clinton