
Agency investigating police shooting says loader kept going after officers fired

The deadly confrontation took place around 2 p.m., Friday, with the suspect accused of stealing a front-end loader, then colliding with a number of unoccupied vehicles, including a police auto.


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RCMP in central Alberta say a suspect was shot and killed after he allegedly crashed into vehicles, including a police auto, with a stolen front-end loader.

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The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team, called to investigate the fatal officer involved shooting, has released more details.

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Police also added that Braconnier’s death is unrelated to another incident outside Red Deer the same day.

The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene, with no names being released.

Police say no officers or members of the public were hurt during the crashes.

ASIRT says officers spotted the suspect before noon in a stolen vehicle in the community of Sylvan Lake and tried to stop him, but that he reversed as hit a police vehicle and got away.

Police are hoping that there are witnesses who may have seen the suspect driving the front-end loader.

“The deceased had been sought by the RCMP since early that morning with regard to a serious sexual assault and an attempted murder from earlier in the morning”, said Insp.

“The man had been trying to protect the female from the original assault”, Glavin explained.


Investigators do not believe the public is at risk at this time, and have confirmed this death is not connected to the officer-involved shooting death that happened in the city later the same day.
