
Concussion movie highlights true story of football injury dangers

Omalu studied the brains of National Football League players who had died under dubious circumstances, including former National Football League players Justin Strzelczyk, Terry Long, and Andre Waters, who are depicted in the film.


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As reviewed, the movie “Concussion” is set in 2005 where it follows Will Smith, who plays as the lead character Dr. Bennet Omalu, in his quest to inform the general public of his discovery regarding chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a progressive degenerate disease found in American football players who’ve been constantly exposed to brain trauma.

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A local doctor is working to keep our student athletes concussion-free, and he said this movie could help.

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“The risk of concussion has been well documented before this pathologist; he wasn’t the guy who discovered it”, Bloom said of Omalu.

Dr. Jonathan Phillips at Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel sees concussion patients every day, and he said this movie sheds light on the gravity of head trauma. “It did bring up some of the big-money politics of football and some of the frustrations team doctors have had to deal with this”.

“If people are educated about what can happen and what the potential dangers are of concussions, then I think it’s going to be easier for an athlete themselves to know what’s going on”, Dr. Phillips said.

“We’ve got to understand how a football player who gets hit two-thousand times in one season ends up being demented twenty years later”, he said. The focus is improving equipment, looking at refining tackling techniques and sideline diagnosis, and, of course, treatment.


Full disclosure: I’ve already made up my mind that my sons will not play football. “I looked again. I saw changes that shouldn’t be in a 50-year-old man’s brains, and also changes that shouldn’t be in a brain that looked normal”, said Omalu in the interview with the PBS series Frontline last 2013. “I want to see how some of the things in the book play out in the movie”.

Jennifer Marr