
Instrument Malfunction Causes NASA To Suspend Next Mars Mission

“In 2008, we made a hard, but correct decision to postpone the launch of the Mars Science Laboratory mission for two years to better ensure mission success”, said Jim Green, director, Planetary Science Division, in Washington.


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InSight, NASA’s upcoming mission to measure the internal geophysical properties of Mars, will miss its launch window in 2016 due to a hardware problem in a science instrument provided by the French space agency. The mission would have been helpful in finding how the rocky planet formed and evolved. Unfortunately, since they have been unable to make sufficient repairs, NASA has chose to delay the mission.

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Perception came a week ago in Florida at Vandenberg Air Force Base to start products in front of a launch. But because InSight is a cost-capped mission, the team will have to assess the cost of fixing the lander and maintaining the mission for another two years and seek funding approval.

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Hiddink added: “If the team had not reacted then I would have said, “Phew, there’s a lot to do in the mental part of the game”. For a game that massive, and with Chelsea desperate for points, this loss is obviously a huge blow.

For InSight, the 2016 launch window existed from March 4 to March 30. The decision comes after attempts to fix a leaking instrument on the robot before the scheduled March launch. “That is a question that’s on the table”, Grunsfeld said, stressing that he could not answer questions definitively, because engineers were only beginning to consider the new leak problem.

The inSight mission was for studying the interior structure of Mars.

The French space agency CNES, which provided the seismometer, attempted to fix a leak in the instrument’s vacuum canister, but apparently was unsuccessful.

NASA is calling off plans to launch a spacecraft to Mars that would use a seismometer and other instruments to learn what is happening in the planet’s interior.

“We just have run out of time”, John M. Grunsfeld, the associate administrator for NASA’s science directorate, said during a telephone news conference.

The three seismometers in the instrument, sensitive enough to detect vibrations as slight as the width of an atom, require a near-perfect vacuum for precise measurements. So far, $525 million of that sum has been spent, he added. As for InSight? Bruce Banerdt, the principal investigator on the mission summed it up: “I’m a patient man. I’ve been working on this for 25 years, this is a minor setback, not a disaster”.

The instrument was being built and tested for NASA by France’s space agency, the Centre Nationale d’Etudes Spatiales, or CNES.


The next time the earth and Mars are favourably aligned for a launch will be in 2018. Mission Control gives you the chance to program and remotely drive a simulated Mars rover, complete with the time delay caused by the signal transit time between Earth and Mars.

NASA delays Mars InSight mission