
Rubio in Iowa as questions grow about early-state efforts

“This is a systematic effort to redefine America”, Rubio said. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., points to a potential supporter for a question during a campaign stop in Rochester, N.H. As 2015 wanes, the Florida senator is back in Iowa on Tuesday, Dec. 29, for a multi-day swing, hoping to shore up support and finish in the top tier of candidates in the February 1 caucuses.


Outgoing Indian envoy to Pakistan meets Nawaz Sharif
Bharatiya Janata Party’s Nalin Kohli told media “It was a spontaneous but bold and innovative decision to visit Pakistan”. Both prime ministers will have another opportunity to meet in Washington in March.

Of Bush, Rubio said: “We see that as we get closer to Election Day the millions of dollars he’s spent are not changing his fortunes – he’s becoming increasingly negative in his attacks”, said the Florida lawmaker, who served in the state legislature when Bush was governor. In an interview earlier this month with CBS News’ Face the Nation, he said “when there are important votes, especially those where I can be a decisive voice, I’m going to be there”.

Guinea declared free of Ebola transmissions
Liberia is now toward the end of a new 42-day countdown after being twice declared free of the virus earlier this year. More than 100 health workers lost their lives in the outbreak. “Guinea is a blessed country”.

Rubio has taken one major step in SC, picking up the endorsement of Rep. Trey Gowdy, nationally known among conservative activists and chairman of a congressional committee investigating the deadly 2012 attacks on a USA diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya. “Someone convinced him that attacking me was going to help him win and he has a right to run whatever campaign he wants to run”. He renewed his call to repeal the Affordable Care Act and vowed to defeat the Islamic State and terrorism.

Eight survivors found 5 days after Chinese language mine collapsed
The mine owner drowned himself at the scene on Sunday while he was helping in rescue efforts, Xinhua reported previously. The nation’s mines have always been the world’s deadliest, but safety improvements have reduced deaths in recent years.

Rubio told reporters later he has been studying “very carefully” the Convention of States concept to amend the U.S. Constitution and that his former Senate colleague, Republican Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, is an advocate for the initiative.

Cruz has been rising in the polls for several weeks, particularly in Iowa, where religious conservatives dominate the GOP landscape.

“If I didn’t think Marco Rubio was good on border security, interior security and employment security, I would have kept myself in SC”.

In the ad, his presidential campaign highlights Cruz’s victories defending the Mojave Memorial Cross, the Texas Capitol Ten Commandments monument, the Second Amendment and the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Trump’s attacks are the latest in an escalating feud between the billionaire businessman and Hillary Clinton, who have been spending more time focused on each other as the first nominating contests draw nearer. “And there is nobody better on those two issues than Marco Rubio” Gowdy acknowledged.

Sen. Marco Rubio talks unifying voters at Sioux City campaign stop