
Norway says 60 tons of raw uranium transported to Iran

In August, Moscow and Tehran agreed that Iran’s excess low-enriched uranium will be exchanged for natural uranium.


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Under the agreement, Iran committed to shipping out all except 300 kilograms (about 650 pounds) of its low-enriched uranium and to either export the uranium it has that is enriched to near 20 percent, process it into low-enriched uranium or turn it into fuel plates to power a research reactor.

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This would mean that it would not have enough fuel on hand to rapidly enrich enough to the levels needed to build a nuclear weapon.

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On Monday, US Secretary of State John Kerry said a ship carrying over 25,000 pounds low-enriched uranium materials departed from Iran for Russian Federation, calling it “one of the most significant steps Iran has taken toward fulfilling its commitments”, Xinhua news agency reported.

The IAEA had no immediate comment on Monday’s shipment, and Toner said the USA would wait until the United Nations agency makes a ruling to say formally whether Washington now accepts that Iran has less than 300kg.

The July nuclear deal also requires Iran to dismantle most of its centrifuges and also the core of the Arak heavy water reactor before the removal of global sanctions against Tehran.

By doing so Iran has now vastly depleted a stockpile of uranium that, were it enriched to higher purities, could have been used in developing a nuclear weapon, a goal the Islamic republic has denied pursuing. Although it did not produce any breakthrough deals or decisions, it did confirm the strength of the current Iran-Russia alignment.

Iran’s enemy Israel is believed to have an undeclared nuclear arsenal and richer Sunni Arab states like Saudi Arabia could spend billions in a bid to catch up derailing global non-proliferation efforts.


The shipment brings Iran even closer to meeting all of its obligations under the deal, something which the U.S. hadn’t anticipated being done until spring but which Iran is hoping to have done in time for sanctions relief to begin before February’s elections.

Norway Sent 60 Tons of Uranium to Iran