
Pentagon Chief Ashton Carter Heads to Israel, Saudi After Iran Deal

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter says the USA might utilize the “military option” against Iran in a bid to pacify Israel after Tehran, Washington and five other world powers concluded nuclear talks in Vienna. And Iran will begin to be able to access its frozen accounts around the world. Iran could possibly be “could definitely permit which typically connect to”.


“We don’t need Russian Federation or China in order for us to get that override”, Mr. Obama said.

Rice dismissed concerns that Iran could hide radioactive nuclear material in what would be large facilities during that waiting period.

“Iran will increase the number of designated IAEA inspectors to the range of 130-150 within 9 months from the date of the implementation of the JCPOA, and will generally allow the designation of inspectors from nations that have diplomatic relations with Iran, consistent with its laws and regulations”, the deal states, according to text released by the Russians and Iranians.

“He will work with Israel to further explore ongoing efforts to identify solutions to some of their most critical security challenges – countering Iran’s destabilizing activities and preventing terror attacks”, Cook said.

Barring basmati rice exports, which may remain at about 1 million tonnes per annum due to India’s monopoly, Iran will likely switch to Brazil, Argentina and the USA for purchases of sugar, soymeal and corn.

“If there was a decision taken by Congress to kill this deal, there is not a scenario that anybody could see whereby the rest of the world would sign up for additional sanctions”, a senior administration official said in background briefing call.

It’s been widely reported in Israeli media since mid-May that this was going to happen, and the day of the deal’s announcement, President Obama is said to have tried to engage Netanyahu on the phone about coming to a specific price on the payoff, something Netanyahu spurned at the time. His trip to Saudi Arabia has not been announced previously.

On the bright side, Rice emphasized that Iran won’t see its sanctions lifted until it complies with the terms of the deal.

By “bad behavior” Rice is presumably referring to Iran’s funding of terrorist organizations, and its expanding military operations throughout areas such as Yemen.


“We, of course, are a rare exception”, Rice told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer this week. Some lawmakers, including the head of the Senate Energy Committee, are pushing to lift the restrictions.

President Obama speaks during a press conference on the nuclear deal with Iran