
Clinton silent as Trump escalates attacks on husband

“For the last week she’s been hitting me really hard with the women card”, Trump said.


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The second carrier will be roughly the same size as the Liaoning but only about half the size of the U.S. Plans to build a second carrier do not come as a surprise. “It will keep us from being bullied”.

But Trump blamed Clinton, saying she forced his hand when she said he had “a penchant for sexism”.

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Trump stepped up his criticism of the Democratic frontrunner in recent weeks, attacking Hillary Clinton for former President Bill Clinton’s serial infidelities while in office. Even the Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus had to write a column conceding that while “Trump has smeared women due to their looks”, Bill Clinton “has preyed on them, and in a workplace setting where he was by far the superior”. According to Trump, Hillary Clinton did not mention him on Wednesday. But deputy communications director Christina Reynolds said Monday that Clinton “won’t be bullied” by Trump and plans to “stand up to him, as she has from the beginning of his campaign” when he insults women and other groups. “I happen to know that one US senator leading the pack of attackers spent more than a few nights with his twenty-something girlfriend at a hotel I own. He was awful, failed badly, and was called a racist!” he added later Monday night, referring to the Democratic primary in SC where Bill Clinton was critical of some in the black community.

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Internationally, the seventh Show star Wars has topped 0 million, bringing its global box workplace receipts to 3.5 million. The Fox movie stayed at No. 2, grossing .4 million from 3,653 locations for a six-day domestic total of .7 million.

The move comes as Bill begins a campaign trail for his wife to promote her 2016 run at the presidency. Hillary is controlled by her money. “You have to get along with everybody. And yet Bush got us into this awful war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true”, Trump told Blitzer at the time.

“If I don’t win, I will consider this a total and complete waste of time”, he said, pointing to the chance of Washington resorting to politics as usual. But his positions on issues of particular concern to women are little different from those of most Republicans, even those who are perfectly polite and respectful to everyone (you can argue that things like opposing abortion rights are inherently sexist, but that doesn’t tell us anything about Trump specifically).

“Yes, they would be”, Trump said.

It would be refreshing to see the Clintons address this – that the problem isn’t just that Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, but that he abused his authority in the process.

Before he was a presidential candidate, Trump had a long, friendly history with the Clintons, marked in part by his defense of Bill Clinton in a 2008 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

Clinton said she was grateful to have been asked to serve as President Obama’s secretary of State, and added that she hopes whomever she asks to serve in the same position “will say yes”. What Bill Clinton did counts against him, not her, and I would include in that her decision to stick with him. You want democrats, you want liberals, you want republicans, you want conservatives.


After critics lambasted his revival of the Lewinsky controversy in the 2016 White House campaign, Trump claimed that it was “fair game” to attack Clinton and her husband in that manner.

During an election campaign event in South Carolina U.S. Republican Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump again invoked the alleged extramarital affairs of ex President Bill Clinton and accused Mr. Clinton of engaging in “tremendous abuse”