
Trump Spokeswoman Accessorizes With Bullet Necklace In Interview

Katrina Pierson, who has made a name for herself defending Trump against various attacks (while launching new ones), boasted a necklace composed of bullets and their shell casings on CNN.


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Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha, Ghulam Nabi Azad, pitched for a different setup for juvenile criminals. Four other men, all adults, convicted in the case have been sentenced to death.

Donald Trump’s National Spokeswoman Katrina Pierson wore a necklace made of bullets during an appearance on CNN Tuesday, drawing criticism on Twitter for the controversial sartorial choice. Never min [sic] the point being made.

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He spent a solid ten minutes talking about his polling numbers, and then at one point he said “Uch, I’m gonna do so good”. Donald Trump’s patriotic message resonates with Republicans, Dems and Independents alike in South Dakota.

The ammunition was real, Katrina Pierson said.

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His daughter, Donna Maria Lemon confirmed that her father passed away in his sleep at his home in Scottsdale, Arizona . Lemon was inducted into the NBA Basketball Hall of Fame Class in 2003, and earned an NBA Lifetime Achievement Awards.

“Pierson was interviewed on the CNN program “The Lead”, Borchers reports”.

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump supports the right of US citizens to carry guns.

But the accessory drew the ire of some gun control activists.

After Twitter users noted it would be “impractical” and questioned how she would acquire the fetus, Pierson responded in exasperation, noting that “of course it will be interpreted literally”.

If that wasn’t odd enough, she defiantly responded to the criticism with a freakish remark about wearing a foetus next time.

But it wasn’t mention of the 18-year-old sex scandal, Trump saying Hillary got “schlonged” in the 2008 election or describing her bathroom break during a debate as “disgusting”, but Pierson’s bullet necklace that got attention. They only approve of women in pantsuits and jackets.


The tampon quote references MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry who wore tampons as earrings in 2013 as a protest against Texas abortion laws.

Why is CNN asking a Donald Trump spokeswoman about her fashion choice?