
Final Fantasy IX Coming to PC, Smartphones With Better Graphics and More

Because according to developer-publisher Square Enix, Final Fantasy IX is indeed heading to smartphones and tablets (including Apple’s iPhone and iPad) in the near future. The ninth edition in the main lineup of Final Fantasy games is regarded by numerous series’ followers as one of the most underrated ones. On top of Final Fantasy IX, Square also had Final Fantasy VI rated for PC, hinting towards another major re-release of a beloved series installment.


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The immigration facility in Guadalajara where they were held is a massive, white building with a towering fence encompassing it. If Ethan Couch fights extradition, it could be anywhere from weeks to months before he is returned to the United States.


The announcement can be seen on the Final Fantasy IX Japanese website, which has a few details in English on the story and characters. It is the only main Final Fantasy title yet to be given some sort of HD upgrade, port, or remake. But, being overshadowed by its predecessors, FFVII and FFVIII, as well as the hugely popular Final Fantasy X which was released just a year later, FFIX failed to garner the level of praise as the games surrounding it. It sounds a similar do-over that VII and VII received when they made the jump to PC. It’s unclear when exactly the game will be out next year, or how long North America and Europe fans will have to wait following an initial Japan release.

Final Fantasy IX