
In Nevada call, Bush calls for bold ideas, less bureaucracy

“Donald, I’ll take you on one-on-one in the debate”, Bush said, according to The New York Times.


ADL urges United States to further investigate Tamir Rice shooting
This week, after a grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Timothy Loehmann for Rice’s 2014 death, I chose to try. McGinty told the press on Monday that surveillance video showed Tamir Rice reaching into his waistband for a toy gun.

This proclamation by Bush follows his recent increase in anti-Trump talk seen throughout the GOP media coverage.

TCU QB Boykin suspended after arrest
I sincerely thank TCU for everything it has provided me, including an opportunity to earn my degree which I will always cherish. OR defensive end DeForest Buckner said his teammates try avoiding potentially heated situations when out in public.

Supporters cheered the former Florida governor’s remarks at a Cuban restaurant near Miami. “‘Trump was unhinged, liberal, dishonest, ‘ the ad notes, with ‘unhinged” being the word Bush used to describe Trump’s policy to ban non-American Muslims from the United States. Speaking on “The Kelly File”, Bush brought up Trump’s Democratic past and said Trump was “not a serious candidate and he would be, I think, a disaster as the party’s nominee”. But the latest in Republican Jeb Bush’s attempts to reach a different demographic has him instructing on something that’s more related to Kim Kardshian than politics: how to take a good selfie!

Obama to order executive action on gun control
Obama recently directed staff at the White House to look into potential executive actions, such as expanding background checks. Obama says in his weekly radio address that he gets many letters from parents, teachers and children about gun violence.

His claim has provoked a lively online debate. It will have over 40 paid staff in New Hampshire and 20 apiece in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and SC.

While some Republicans, like US Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, have urged a retreat from “military adventurism”, Bush is among those advocating a more robust use of force.

This time, the three contenders with the most to gain or lose are Bush, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who share the same essential political makeup.

Still, Bush is lagging there behind Trump and other rivals, including Florida Sen.

In what seems like an nearly hourly series of campaign rebooting efforts, Team Jeb! has now decided that being the most establishment third place guy in Iowa is the winning ticket.

“People are legitimately angry, but they should want solutions, rather than just have some people that identify with their anger and their angst”, Bush said. I would say an unstable Pakistan is a threat.


Weatherford, who has endorsed the former governor and is a campaign surrogate, told The Daily Beast that Bush played an outsize role in getting Republicans in the state house to come together in opposition to Medicaid expansion.

Jeb bush