
What could happen to Bill Cosby

Hennessy denied a motion filed by Camille Cosby that she not be made to testify in the case of the state’s marital disqualification law which “renders her incompetent” because she could potentially be asked to speak against her husband.


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Warplanes carried out nine air strikes near Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, which fell to Islamic State fighters in 2014. Police chief Hadi Irzayij said the suspected militants “were attempting to flee Ramadi by blending in with civilians”.

Attorneys for the women had claimed in court papers that Camille Cosby “has more knowledge of Mr. Cosby’s sexual proclivities and encounters (consensual and nonconsensual), as well as his use of Quaaludes and other sedatives” than anyone apart from Cosby himself.

Gunmen attack Indian air force base near Pakistan border
One Indian security source blamed the attack on a Pakistan-based militant group, but said it posed no threat to civilians. The Western Air Command chief, Air Marshal S.B.

Since the number of accusations against the legendary comedian has grown, Camille Cosby has publicaly defended her husband continuously. The seven women allege that Cosby sexually assaulted or abused them and that, in him calling them liars in response, he defamed them.

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During that same period more than 15,000 Palestinians and 350 Israelis were wounded, the United Nations said on Wednesday. Police said the motive for the attack remained unclear, and little was known about the attacker who had his face covered.

Fallen TV superstar Bill Cosby is in “good spirits” and is confident he will be cleared of a felony sex assault charge brought against him, his attorney said Thursday.

52-year-old Camille Cosby, who was also her husband’s business manager, had argued it would represent an “undue burden”.

Cosby, 78, who posted a US$1 million (RM4.3 million) bond, has another court hearing on January 14. The charges relate to an alleged incident in 2004 when he is said to have drugged a female official at a Philadelphia University and assaulted her as she lay “frozen and paralysed”.

Cosby sent a Twitter message on Thursday afternoon saying: “Friends and fans, Thank You”. Lawyer Monique Pressley, speaking on NBC’s “Today Show”, also accused the district attorney’s office in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, of playing “political football” with Cosby by making the case a focal point in a recent election.

Cosby denies any allegations of sexual assault.

Meanwhile, there was more bad legal news for Cosby out of Springfield, Mass, near one of his other estates and where seven of his almost 60 accusers are suing him for defamation in federal court. Personally, he’s been accused unjustly of a crime, so certainly that’s upsetting.


If found guilty, the veteran television star – who has surrendered his passport to the court – could face up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine. Pressley said she expected prosecutors would try to establish a pattern of conduct against her client by bringing in allegations from his other accusers, but the defense would fight to keep such evidence out.

Camille Cosby right looks on as Bill Cosby speaks during a news