
Barack Obama Joins Jerry Seinfeld On ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee’ Premiere

No, the commander in chief isn’t a comedian by profession, but he “has gotten off just enough amusing lines to qualify for getting on this show”, Seinfeld says.


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The two also commiserate about their mutual friend, Seinfeld producer Larry David, whom Obama has played golf with, and his apparently infamous skin care habits.

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In the Obama episode, which was recorded December 7, Seinfeld brings a 1963 Corvette Stingray Split Window Coupe to the White House complex.

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As soon as he sees the American classic, Obama says: ‘This is a sweet auto right here, ‘ which Seinfeld jokes is from an age when America just did stuff, like putting people on the moon. Sitting in the back of another unique ride – the presidential limo – Obama and Seinfeld reflected on their lack of anonymity.

A runaway highlight of the show is when at one point, an aide offers the president a coffee.

Apparently, President Obama thinks Jerry Seinfeld could have been a Jewish Orson Welles. Obama says. “Every day”.

Since taking the leader of the free world away from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is harder than they hoped for, the pair headed down to the White House’s kitchen for a cup of coffee, brewed by Seinfeld.

Obama has appeared on other comedian’s shows in recent years, including Zach Galifinakis’ “Between Two Ferns” web series and Marc Maron’s “WTF” podcast, to sell Obamacare to a young audience.


If you’d had to deal with the vast intellects of Congress – which, to be fair, Obama seems rarely to have done – your humor might be a touch mordant too. Obama’s answers display his gifts for comedic timing and good-natured ribbing, particularly when Seinfeld asks, “What’s your most embarrassing president moment?” All in all, the episode is a lot of fun and a testament to the fact that Seinfeld is a master at his craft.

Barack Obama and Seinfeld on 'Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee&#39 Courtesy