
573 impaired charges laid

It should be noted that overall impaired driving arrests in Toronto were down half a percentage point in 2015.


The one exception was a 36-year-old Guelph man who was charged with impaired driving and drug possession, as police also allegedly found him with a small amount of ecstasy.

The Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere, or R.I.D.E campaign involves various police departments joining forces to conduct spot-checks on a cross-section of drivers. “If you drive a motor vehicle while intoxicated, we will stop you”.

Those numbers are double the totals from the 2014-15 Festive RIDE program in Perth County, which resulted in the arrest of five motorists for impaired driving and two warn range suspensions. 13 drug charges were laid. 206 tests were administered, with 39 of those suspended for being in the WARN range.

They say that just over 350 people had their licenses suspended following a roadside warning.

“It appears – anecdotally, anyway – that younger people are getting the message”, Chief Martin said.


Though impaired driving arrests were down on OPP-patrolled roads during the holiday season, they were actually up in Toronto where police reported making 211 arrests during their annual RIDE campaign compared to 195 arrests in 2014. The police are fulfilling their obligation to promote road safety, a perennial concern for everyone, he said. “But that’s 118 people out there, impaired on our roadways”.

Guelph Police