
Cruz ad features business suits at border

The Field Poll, released Tuesday, reflects Cruz’s momentum nationally in the crowded Republican presidential field.


So far, Bill Clinton has remained silent on Trump’s slams – following the lead of his wife’s campaign, which believes its candidate comes across as more presidential by rising above what they see as the Republican’s crass political tactics.

John Ranieri, 45, a Republican from Lancaster who works with special education students in a high school, has attended Trump’s events in MA and noticed a working class flavor to the crowd.

In an era when we’re inundated with messages from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat, the old-fashioned 30-second ad doesn’t carry as much weight.

Ms. Clinton is sending the man she calls her “not-so-secret weapon” – former president Bill Clinton, a formidable campaigner – out on the hustings.

The only spoken words in the ad, airing on broadcast television in Iowa, come from Rubio himself, who jokes about setting his fantasy football lineup in the spoof video that Cruz’s super PAC repurposed, saying: “Yeah I know I have a debate, but I gotta get this fantasy football thing right”.

“Let’s say Hillary’s president”, he mused at one point.

Clinton said Republicans have “no plan” of their own and only want to “undo what Democrats have fought for decades”. “I’m exhausted of the stranglehold that women have had on the job of presidential spouse”. But that does not definitely mean that he can not serve as president if he gets there by way of the vice president’s office. “Two for the price of one”, Mr. Clinton boasted of his talented wife when he was seeking the White House in 1992.

That hasn’t stopped Clinton from focusing nearly exclusively on Republicans, though.

But he remains an outsider.

Cruz, a favorite of evangelicals and tea party conservatives, is the first choice of 25 percent of likely Republican voters in California, according to the poll. Trump’s campaign manager colorfully told NBC that “no sh-” the footage wasn’t of Mexico, adding that the footage use was intentional to show what could happen to our country if we leave our border as is.

“To me, it’s who is more electable”, said Al Hart, a retired social studies teacher from Ankeny who said he chose to support Clinton after listening to her speech at the museum.

“No one is doing well in this primary yet – no one has voted”, said Christie, speaking at New Hampshire Primary Student Convention. It’s his next-door state and most polls now show him ahead of Ms. Clinton. In Keene, New Hampshire, on Monday, Clinton said she has the “greatest respect” for Sanders, but at other times she has implied that his plans are too expensive or unable to get implemented.


The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza is also upset by this-at right is the headline his piece carried when it first appeared in my iPhone [The dark, twisted, fantasy at the heart of Donald Trump’s vison of America] but it’s already been changed to the slightly less rabid The dystopian nightmare that defines Donald Trump’s campaign, By Chris Cillizza January 4, 2015.

Donald Trump