
Trump releases first TV ad in 2016 Republican presidential race

“Hillary is so familiar, she’s been around forever”, Ron Romine, chairman of the Democratic Party in Spartanburg, South Carolina, told the Times. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job.


An ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted in December found that 6 in 10 Americans think a ban on Muslims entering the United States is the wrong thing to do. But she’s got the biggest teleprompters. (This is why Democrats advocate for early-voting options: Their voters are more likely to need them.) So it’s not just a function of getting people excited to vote.

TRUMP: I believe it might be even worse if you want to know the truth.

Trump told the Washington Post in an interview published Tuesday that Cruz’s Canadian birthplace and his holding a double passport was a “very precarious” issue that “a lot of people are talking about”. He went after Ted Cruz last night in Lowell, Massachusetts. “It says Trump and Tom Brady, look, together”.

The entrepreneur, reality TV star and sometime steak salesman also pledged to “cut the head off ISIS” and build a wall between America and Mexico. Of those who answered the second choice question, 11% aren’t sure who they would support if their first choice dropped out.

The commercial opens with footage of the billionaire candidate addressing a rally before segueing into an image of President Barack Obama and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, and then mug shots of the couple responsible for the San Bernardino killings last month. “I was just trying to be no more obnoxious than I needed to be”. Politicians behave a certain way when they’re panicking, and they engage in attacks.

“Here is what I don’t understand. I wouldn’t get that message out if I was trying to be polite”.

Cruz has been reluctant to directly engage Trump during the Republican debate season, however this episode did prompt a feisty tweet from the senator from Texas. At that point, we were skeptical that Trump would be able to turn out voters for the caucuses given that he didn’t have access to a voter file.

Trump leads the field among both male and female voters and also has the strongest support among white evangelical voters and voters identifying as very conservative. I guarantee you this is still a thought out there. USA TODAY College spoke with some of them to find out why they support Trump.


She added, “The rest of the country expects us here in New Hampshire to vet these candidates”.

Clinton trying to light fire among Iowa activists