
Watch Seth Meyers’ flawless parody of ‘Making A Murderer’

Seth Meyers usually takes his parodies a bit further, stretching up to 4-minutes, but he kept things simple with this Making A Murderer one. “They don’t got no more reruns”. For those new to the Making a Murderer craze, the documentary series ten years in the making frequently trades in recorded phone calls, subtitled to understand the regional intonations.


In a short promo clip published on Tuesday called “Making a Talk Show Host”, “Late Night with Seth Meyers” pokes fun at the 10-part crime docu-series, hopefully giving us more “Making a Murderer” parodies to come. Ya know?” Meyers responds, “I’ve only been out two weeks. With a spot-on Wisconsin accent, they tell him in true Midwest fashion, “Yah, you gotta come back”. But the staff member isn’t having any of it. In the parody, Meyers is told he’s “gotta come back” after his winter hiatus.

Seth asks: ‘Supposing I don’t wanna come back?’ He was released after DNA evidence proved his innocence but was arrested for murder two years later, as HNGN previously reported.

‘What time’s the show on again?’ asked Myers.


Seth Meyers perfectly impersonated “Making a Murderer” subject Steven Avery. This time, however, he is sporting Steven Avery’s insane long beard.

Seth Meyers