
Christie rips Rubio: A reliable conservative wouldn’t have backed amnesty and

The key to his own
victory, Rubio said, is winning over “new conservatives”. “Marco Rubio has work himself to do with conservatives.”… All of that stuff Rubio said over the summer, rejecting the idea that America is somehow falling short of greatness, no longer applies.


The fantasy football clip is from Rubio’s own campaign. While the Super PAC supporting him has spent nearly $9 million over the airwaves (almost all in New Hampshire), his campaign had just $1.4 million in the bank as of September 30.

Chris Christie is the Republican presidential candidate to beat in second-to-vote New Hampshire – so say the super PACs helping the New Jersey governor’s rivals.

Chris Christie is expanding his presidential campaign staff, a sign both that his fundraising has improved and that he is preparing to battle for the Republican nomination beyond the early states.

On the Republican side, Donald Trump is locked in a spat with Ted Cruz over his eligibility to be president because Cruz was born in Canada. Cruz might also be able to win the general election, he added, but that victory would be by a smaller margin.

Cruz says that while everyone has a right to protest, “we don’t have a constitutional right to use force of violence or threaten force of violence on others”.

But Christie’s record as governor of New Jersey is a vulnerability.

Hooksett, New Hampshire (CNN)Chris Christie is having his moment. He’s got to cast votes in the United States Senate. The group claimed responsibility for the November bombings and shootings in Paris in which roughly 130 were killed.

“He said listen, if anybody in the federal government is saying no to you for anything, call me”, Christie said.

Bush is scheduled to campaign in Dover Tuesday. Much of the media and GOP establishment has assumed for months that the Florida Republican would eventually prevail, but if Rubio were on track to succeed, he wouldn’t have overhauled his message and direction.

In Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Tuesday, Rubio said that he had watched the ads, though he had nothing to do with producing them.

Among Republicans, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for backing.

Cruz in particular has emerged as a top competitor to Rubio with Iowa’s leadoff caucuses less than a month away.

Cruz lashed out at Rubio in a statement.

Trump’s wrong, Rubio said in August, because America is already great.

Republican presidential candidate, New Jersey Gov. Gov. Chris Christie shakes hands with students during a campaign stop at a college student convention, Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016, in Manchester, N.H. “I’m not afraid of these emotions – God’s sakes I’m from New Jersey, how could I be afraid of anger and frustration?” “Instead of attacking the leader, Christie is going after those who threaten his chances of being the runner-up”.

It takes numerous veiled shots at the billionaire businessman who dominated the race in late 2015.

“These are three very effective executive officers, and trying to point out their opponents’ strengths and weaknesses is actually doing voters a favor because with such a large field, no one really has time to do the candidate research”, Curry said.

Meanwhile, front-runner Donald Trump has faced serious questions about his ground-game, particularly in Iowa.

“The politicians can pretend it’s something else”.

‘His state is No. 50 out of 50 economically, ‘ Trump said.

Trump has publicly avoided discussing the specifics on his national security policies, aside from his call for construction of a wall on the USA border with Mexico and his vow to “cut the head off ISIS and take their oil”.


As Christie sees his stature increase in the GOP race – in terms of his New Hampshire poll numbers and the attention he’s getting from rival Super PACs – it’s worth examining the state of the Rubio campaign four weeks out until Iowa.

Rubio Takes Shots at Fellow Republicans Over National Security