
Grandma gives birth to granddaughter

A North Texas woman has given birth to her own granddaughter after serving as a surrogate for her daughter.


Tracey Thompson served as a surrogate for her daughter, Kelley McKissack, who has suffered three miscarriages and battled infertility for years, according to KTVT. However, the final round of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) did leave the couple with four remaining embryos.

Her granddaughter was born at 3:02 p.m. Wednesday weighing 6 pounds and 11 ounces.

Dr. Joseph Leveno, an OB/GYN on staff at The Medical Center of Plano, said: ‘It takes a mountain of a woman, and I think that’s what Tracey is as far as her spirit and her strength’.

In April 2015, she announced she was carrying “their bun” in her “oven” in a playful Facebook post featuring daughter Ms McKissack and husband Aaron.

Tracey underwent several medical treatments in order to carry the baby.

Thompson credits her own optimism and her support system – including her husband, Ben, who was also in the delivery room – with getting her through the unlikely pregnancy.

Three-kilogram newborn Kelcey – a portmanteau of grandmother Tracey and daughter Kelly’s name – was welcomed into the world on January 6 and was pronounced healthy.

“The first and third trimesters were really tough”, said Tracey.

A video showing a white Texas state trooper shouting “I will light you up” while pulling a black woman from her auto brought national outrage, troubling the woman’s family, the trooper’s boss and, perhaps, even a… “Her and her husband had gone through so much – the miscarriages and fertility”, Thompson told WFAA-TV. ‘I didn’t want to disappoint her’.


“The miracle happened and god watched over us”, Thompson said. “She should know just how special and wanted she is”. The baby’s heart rate started dropping dangerously low and Thompson had to be rushed for a C-section.

Tracey Thompson has given birth to her own granddaughter after her daughter Kelley Mc Kissack suffered three miscarriages