
In Iowa, establishment GOP candidates play expectations game

On Tuesday, Cruz’ campaign communications director, Rick Tyler, tweeted a link to an article in New York Magazine, repeating its title that “A Vote for Marco Rubio is a Vote for Men’s High-Heeled Booties”. Anderson was at a Marco Rubio town hall in Marshalltown yesterday.


After five years in the Senate, Florida Sen.

Even at the time, it was an issue that split Republicans: “Rubio supported the in-state tuition proposal for immigrant students but said his leadership remained fearful that the legislation would be a boon for illegal immigrants, “The Miami Herald reported in 2003″. A RealClearPolitics average of recent polls in New Hampshire has Trump leading at 27 percent, followed by Rubio, 13.8 percent; Cruz, 11.5 percent; Christie, 11.3 percent; Kasich, 10 percent; and Bush, 8.3 percent.

Carly Fiorina – no stranger to heels – was less than impressed with Rubio’s kicks. “At a minimum I can say none of them is a socialist and none of them is under FBI investigation”. GOP presidential rival Ted Cruz, a Texas senator, delights in asserting that his unpopularity among members in both parties makes him an establishment outsider in Washington.

The Rubio campaign confirmed to CNN that the ad will run in Iowa, but it wouldn’t disclose the amount of the buy.

“I am proud to support Marco Rubio because he cares about the families of our nation-from my recently born son to my Granny-and those of us in between”, Jones said.

“Sen. Cruz’s vote to gut intelligence programs fits with his isolationist positions and votes against defense spending”, Rubio spokesman Alex Conant said. Rubio is making four stops over two days, having spent nine days in the state over the past month, his campaign said.

Rubio has criticized Cruz in the past for supporting cuts to the military, and he repeated that claim Monday.

“I try my darnedest to avoid them”, he said. Much of it was delivered in that affable, don’t-I-sound-like-Matt-Damon way, including chiding himself for recently mispronouncing Dabiq, Syria, as Dubuque and scaring folks in Iowa. “Weak record.” “Here in OH, we have a balanced budget; they don’t over in New Jersey”, Kasich told “Meet the Press”.

Two times, the candidates were the same height.

In the latest Quinnipiac University Iowa poll released December 14, Cruz leads the Hawkeye State with the evangelical vote at 34%.

Cruz is banking on a win February 1 caucus to generate momentum to sustain him well beyond the following contest in New Hampshire, where he’s not expected to do as well.

In Bedford, he made clear he isn’t backing off his support for an eventual path to citizenship for people already in the USA illegally, although he said “we can’t even get to that point” before securing the country and its border against potential threats.

Other candidates have joined in.

Indeed, in interviews with about 20 uncommitted voters attending Rubio events in Iowa this week, Christie was the candidate they most frequently said was also on their short list.

“I’ll sleep on it”, he said.

“Not only is Hillary Clinton incompetent, she’s also a liar”, said Rubio. Then she told me all the things she doesn’t like about Cruz.


“No one in the mainstream media has the courage to call her out for it”, he said.

In Iowa, establishment GOP candidates play expectations game