
Trump says he’ll do away with gun-free zones

To get one of 1,400 seats at Donald Trump’s rally here Thursday night, hundreds and hundreds of people waited for hours in the cold and then had to answer a question like this: Do you support Donald Trump?


Attempts to reach the Trump campaign on Friday were unsuccessful.

One reason may be that Vermont is one of 12 states holding primaries and caucuses on March 1, also known as Super Tuesday.

Following a day of show over the group size at Donald Trump’s rally here Thursday, the Republican presidential leader’s crusade endeavored to bar any individual who did not vow their backing from going to his occasion.

“We can expect more of these disputes between Trump supporters and the Republican Party establishment to be emerging”, Tokaji said. Its all one-sided.” Billado said hes not sure who he will support if Trump does not secure the Republican nomination.

Beyond the circus of the Trump campaign, there was bigger news from Vermont.

As protesters drowned out Trump voices screaming “Bernie!”

“Here’s a man who represents a rising, racist and fascist movement across the country”.

“And it’s the responsibility, in my opinion, of citizens to rise up and meet that challenge and say, ‘That is not the kind of world we want to live in, ‘” he said. At another point, Trump mocked his own security team – saying that they were meekly asking protesters to leave at the beginning, but that as the rally went on, they were getting tougher. “Keep his coat”, Trump said to cheers from the crowd. I feel like he is very blunt and honest with what he says and I realize it may offend some different people but, you know what, he’s not really trying to hurt them in any way. “Get em out, ” Trump said after the second interruption. Ted Cruz on Day Four of a six-day presidential campaign bus tour of Iowa, and asked about his birth in Canada and Donald Trump’s legal advice.

But taking Trump’s words at their plain meaning – “no more gun free zones” – he would not only repeal the federal law, but he also would apparently preclude states from setting their own policies when it comes to guns on school grounds, according to Arkadi Gerney, an expert on gun law at the Center for American Progress.

Donald Trump on Thursday pledged to “get rid” of gun-free zones in school and on military bases, as President Barack Obama more than 500 miles away made his case for tightening gun control. “Can’t get in”, said a passerby. Back in November, he made headlines for calling a protester fat. Each time, Trump took pleasure in instructing the local police to usher them out. “Don’t give them their coats”. Don’t give him his coat. “Confiscate their coats. No coats”. “That’s bait. That’s like, gun-free zone”, said Trump.

Most of the deli’s other sandwiches sell for about $7 to $10. I didn’t want people to get hurt.


Though Trump’s campaign had taken pains to screen people at the door and turn away anyone who didn’t present themselves as a supporter, the Republican front-runner’s hourlong speech was still interrupted several times by protesters in the concert hall, all of whom were removed by security.

Trump Met With Love, Hostility In The Green Mountain State