
Record-breaking ‘Star Wars’ movie opens in China

When adjusted for inflation Force Awakens still has a long, long way to go to top Gone with the Wind’s $1.73 billion, but it has moved to 20th position on the chart, just ahead of Raiders of the Lost Ark bringing to light another milestone.


Globally, Star Wars: The Force Awakens ranks as the fourth highest-grossing picture in history, having earned $1.5 billion worldwide.

Cameron is planning three sequels to “Avatar”, which should ensure that the two franchises will continue battling it out at the box office.

“Star Wars” is now the highest-grossing movie of all time in the US.

The seventh instalment in the Star Wars series of movies is due to open in China on Saturday which, analysts say, will give the film another significant boost.

In an overt bid to appeal to Chinese audiences in next “Star Wars” film, “Rogue One”, bosses have cast Hong Kong martial arts actor Donnie Yen and Chinese actor and director Jiang Wen in it.

“This afternoon, with early box office results in, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” became the highest-grossing film of all time in the domestic market”, Disney said in a statement, without providing figures. It accomplished the feat in just 12 days. A “Special Edition” re-release with new material was released in August of 2010 that added another $10.7 million to come up with the $760.5 million total. By the end of this coming weekend the record will be an afterthought as The Force Awakens will become the only film to cross $800 million domestically. Considering that China is the world’ second larger film market, the push there is strong and it’ll be interesting to see what the payoff for it is.


“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is in 21st place behind classics such as “The Sound of Music”, “E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial” and “Titanic”.
