
Steve King Defends Ted Cruz’s Citizenship Status

John McCain’s suggestion that his eligibility to run for president may be in doubt. Ted Cruz a “wacko bird”.


Legal experts who aren’t involved in the election point out that a lawsuit by Cruz would likely be dismissed just as quickly as any lawsuit against him, and for the same reasons; the Texan hasn’t been legally harmed by questions about his eligibility. “I just don’t know about”. He also cited George Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, born in Mexico to American missionaries, and Barry Goldwater, born in Arizona before statehood.

McCarthy offers one of the more succinct explanations of the legalities of what defines a “natural born” USA citizen we’ve seen, so it is definitely worth reading in its entirety. “I don’t think it’s illegitimate to look into it”, McCain said.

McCain was able to give credence to an issue raised by Donald Trump.

Alter, who has a history of demonizing Cruz as a “dark and unsafe figure”, suggested that Cruz’s famous “jump the shark” tweet signaled approval of Trump when birtherism was aimed at President Barack Obama but not when aimed at Cruz himself.

“Virtually every news story, TV show coverage, is bringing up the birther issue and Trump’s statements on it, it’s clearly in the mainstream media right now, people are hearing about it, talking about it, and you have to address it”, said Saul Anuzis, the former chairman of the Michigan GOP, who has informally advised the Cruz campaign on some matters but stressed that he was not speaking for the campaign on this issue…

“The amusing thing about politics, it’s fairly unusual for your opponents who are running for the same position to be actually trying to help you”, the senator said.

“I’m doing this for the good of Ted…”

Cruz was born in Calgary in 1970 while his parents were working in the oil industry. So how does one gain American citizenship, Ann?

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t say whether she thought Cruz was a “naturally-born” citizen when asked about it at her weekly press conference. Coming right out and questioning Cruz’s citizenship is a tough line to pull off. Pretending that you’re not anxious for yourself but that other people might make it an issue, however? Following a 2013 investigation by the Dallas Morning News examining Cruz’s citizenship, the Texas senator formally renounced his Canadian citizenship the following year. Please. The “Washington cartel” nonsense here is nothing more or less than Cruz attempting to shift blame for the eligibility issue from Trump, whom he can’t afford to alienate, to McCain, a much safer villain. “I mean, Seventh-Day Adventist, I don’t know about”.

Why was he referring to as wacko birds?

Carly Fiorina and John Kasich are in New Hampshire Friday, while Rand Paul and Rick Santorum are in Iowa.

The “wacko bird” reference went viral.

The Republican front-runner has continued to build his lead and is well-placed to win the GOP nomination come June, according to the latest numbers.


Nearly three years have passed, and McCain has found another way to bruise Cruz.

Cruz Dismisses Eligibility Concerns Trump Suggests Declaratory Judgment