
Obama, Daughters Spend Weekend In NYC

It’s inevitable: At some point, teenage kids just aren’t that into their parents anymore.


The trio were joined by Obama’s sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng and her husband Konrad Ng, and a few dozen secret service agents, as they took a short jaunt through the park near the Sheep’s Meadow.

Obama chatted with a group of starstruck young children and even shook hands with a hot dog vendor – although they were planning to have lunch at Upland on Park Ave. The New York Post reported the Obamas would hit Broadway for a performance of hip-hop musical “Hamilton” on Saturday.

The presidential motorcade whisked them next to the Whitney Museum, where they enjoyed a private after-hours tour.

But Obama got his wish Saturday, sans disguise, as stunned joggers snapped cellphone pictures of the presidential entourage.

The 20-minute walk in Central Park prompted pedicabs, bikers, skaters, horse-drawn carriages and walkers to stop cold as people whipped out cellphone cameras to capture the moment. “I just desperately want to take a walk through Central Park again, and just remember what that feels like”.

“That might interfere with the personal nature of the father-daughter time”, Earnest said.

He then quickly noted that journalists traveling to New York with the president would not actually be participating in his outings with Malia and Sasha. Malia, 17, is interning this summer on the Brooklyn set of HBO’s “Girls“. First lady Michelle Obama caught it in downtown this spring. (Reuters Photo) “Now, unfortunately, they’re hitting the age where they still love me, but they think I’m completely boring”.

At an Easter prayer breakfast he thanked attendees for their prayers, saying they were needed “particularly at a time when my daughters are starting to grow up and starting to go on college visits”.

Beyond New York’s innate appeal, Obama’s visit to the city also may have given the president a chance to give more thought to where the family will land when they leave the White House in January 2017.

The president rarely stays overnight in New York unless he’s there for business, such as the United Nations General Assembly.


Obama was due back in Washington on Saturday night.

President Barack Obama walks with his daughter Sasha second from left and two of her friends to Marine One upon arriving on Air Force One at JFK International Airport in New York. It’s inevitable At some point