
Need To Have Sense Of Unity In Combating Terrorism: Hillary Clinton

“We should not reward people who use inflammatory rhetoric, who use the kind of derogatory comments, whether it’s about Muslims, or Mexicans, or women, or people with disabilities, whoever it might be”, she said, according to The Hill.


His late-comer introduction to the campaign trail could be a strategically significant move for the former secretary of state who, despite leading in many national surveys, still trails Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire opinion polls.

“Everything she touched, she made better”, he added.

“Oh wow. That’s unbelievable”, Trump said. “How the hell can she do that when she has one of the great woman abusers of all time sitting at her house, waiting for her for dinner?”

In Manchester, N.H., meanwhile, Bill Clinton mingled with a lunchtime crowd at a popular eatery while a news station playing above his head ran captioned video questioning whether he could avoid Trump’s flagrant attacks – and that’s just what he did.

Friday’s event will be closed to the media, a spokesman for President Clinton said in an email.

His appearances on Monday were expected to mark a month-long plan to stump for his wife ahead of the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary in February.

While Clinton hit the campaign trail hard throughout the year, focusing on early primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and SC, one of her most memorable moments in 2015 was her 11-hour testimony before the House Benghazi Special Committee on the attacks in Libya.

“Hillary was an enabler, and a lot of things happened that were obviously very seedy”.

“The biggest problem we’ve got right now is this opioids and heroin problem”, said Clinton. “First of all, I’m a happy grandfather, I’m not mad at anybody”.

“It’s just his presence and his intelligence and he speaks his mind but he does it so beautifully and it all makes sense to people“, said MaryAnn Knowles, a retiree who lives in Hudson, New Hampshire.

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He has frequently accused Clinton of having “no stamina,” which some observers have interpreted as a jab at her age and health. But if Trump had such influence over Clinton, why wasn’t he exerting that when it came to her politics- or was he?
