
Angered by Trump, diner owner to host Jeb Bush

Self-described as a policy nerd and tagged as “low energy” by Donald Trump, Jeb Bush is reaching deeper to show voters the man inside as he fights for his political survival ahead of New Hampshire’s Republican presidential primary.


Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush announced his new welfare plan on Friday that will, sadly, surprise only the most benign of us. In the front of that race is Donald Trump, and Bush has ramped up his strategy to become the anti-Trump candidate in hopes that voters who feel disenfranchised by the front-runner will coalesce around Bush instead. “The only one we’ve got is W”, he said.

Bush was passionate in speaking before more than 100 Lakes Region supporters and numerous area’s Republican leaders. “You gotta know who 43 is to know that you can punch him once, but you won’t punch his ass twice”, Dawson said.

Mr Bush said a purported North Korean test of a hydrogen nuclear bomb underscored Mr Trump’s challenge, pointing to Mr Trump’s inability at a Dec 14 debate to talk credibly about the three elements of the USA nuclear “triad”, the arsenal of missiles based in the air, at sea and on land.

As he concluded, Bush turned back to Emanuel: “I think we need a serious candidate and I want your vote”.

Bush went on to say that Christie is a “great guy”, has a “great style” and a “great personality”, but insisted that he has more experience in business and in the private sector, in addition to serving as eight years as Florida’s governor.

“It is something to consider because he is very popular”, Jeb Bush said Tuesday morning on Fox News.

While George W. Bush’s approval rating was a dismal 22 percent when he left office, he has since gained in popularity. “And while he’s exaggerated in this – way over the top exaggerated – the fact that he has made a contribution to kind of loosen things up a little bit, I think that’s good”.

“If someone is selling a gun out of their collection, a one-off gun, they’re not a dealer, which would require a license and already requires that, you’re taking that person’s right away”.

Rubio, a Florida senator, is in third place with 16.7 percent and Bush, the former governor, is in fourth with 10.3 percent. “She went through hell, so did her mom, and so did I”.


Meanwhile he and other observers said Bush’s team and SuperPAC Right to Rise ought to hit Trump even harder than they are presently doing.

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